February 27, 2017

A Person

Grinning Sam felt really bad for Hal though she was honored he thought she was smart and pretty she hated seeing him see funny, and embarrassed. As he put his head in his hands Sam shifted a little bit to get more comfortable. 

Reaching forward Sam put her hands on top of Hal's and just held them there for a long moment. Even if it was a little odd, and there was a little fear Hal will be offended or jerk away she did it anyways. Cocking her head just a little still smiling.

   "I'm just a person, a person who happens to like spending time with you. Just talk to me like you have known me for years as a friend but want to get to know me more. Trust me it would take a lot to scare me away. Just...be yourself."

Still keeping her hands on his Sam ran her thumb over his fingers. She liked Hal, he was a great guy, wonderful personality, and funny. She didn't want him to feel odd around her.

   "Thank you by the way for the compliment. You are pretty good looking too."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh as Leo smacked Miles over the head. After everything that had happened and everything Leo and she had been through Ryan was glad they could still be friends. Leo was a great guy, and he had come a long way. 

   "I say working twice as hard is a good plan so when the guys come in they won't have to worry or feel bad. After all the slack you guys picked up for me, I can at least help do the same. Axel has enough to worry about without adding more."

Turning to head to her space Ryan buttoned up her work shirt almost all the way and put her gloves on. She still wasn't fast like before but her mind was a little clearer. Maybe she could even show the guys some of the tricks Clint showed her.

   "I also have a hot date tonight...so Miles...don't dilly dally and gawk. Ready...set....GO!"

Coming in quietly Ashlee let go of Dylan and went to the corner where Sparky had motioned. Getting comfortable she put the blanket she had brought over her lap and offered a little to Dylan too. It was a bit chilly tonight.

Just watching with amazement this was a wonderous thing and Ashlee was so happy she could be a part of it. Leaning forward a little Ashlee kept her voice low as to now startle the mare.

   "Up to how long can she be in labor?"