February 14, 2017


Jamison chuckled. "Well, I guess as long as your arms haven't fallen off yet, why bother with a bag?" He shook his head before turning and spying a garbage can a ways away. Taking aim with his apple core, he let it fly where it landed right in the can. Not thinking much of it, he turned back around to Lucy. "Bargain Bags. They're in Crestview. They get all the wholesale rejects. All sorts of bags with minor flaws. I got a backpack there once that the only thing wrong with it was some stitching was a little crooked. Ten bucks and I'm still using it." 

He closed his book and rested his arms on top of it, studying her for a moment or two. He was usually pretty good at sizing up a person and if he had to bet, he'd say Lucy was a smart, responsible, sweet individual. There was a peace about her he liked. Maybe it reminded him a little of Tiffany. "So how's calculus going?"

Scott tapped lightly on Hope's office door before entering slowly. He hadn't seen her yesterday like they'd planned. He hadn't been feeling well, so supper had been called off. He knew she had probably worried about him, but he'd gotten the okay from Justin to come for a visit today at least. No work...but a visit. Domino trotted happily at his heels, on the lookout for her big friend, should Trooper appear. 

"Hey..." Scott wandered over to her desk and gave her an apologetic look. He was still a bit pale, but Justin had forced him to eat breakfast this morning. "Sorry about last night. I'm... feeling a little better today and Justin said I could come by for a few minutes. I, um..." 

He placed a couple printouts on her desk. One was a photo of Domino in her bed, sound asleep. It was a peaceful black and white picture. The other one was a little purple flower, all alone, pushing itself up between the cracks of the sidewalk. It was a lonely thing, but courageous as the morning sun touched its edges. 

"I... got my camera back out and... took these for you." 

Hunter smiled and gave Ryan's hand a squeeze. "Now I've got something to look forward to, too." He still didn't think it would last. He still thought that it wouldn't take long for her to move on. But he could at least enjoy her company in the meantime. I was nice to not be alone anymore. He'd always thought himself to be a bit of a loner, but lately his loneliness had been almost unbearable. Until Ryan. 

The main house was full of everyone eating breakfast, and they all were glad to see Hunter and Ryan one last time before they left. Finding two empty chairs with Mick and Rosetta, Dylan and Clint, it was the perfect little group to spend the last few minutes with. 

Clint polished off his coffee and sighed before glancing at Ryan. "I expect you to come back, ya know. Work's gonna start piling up again," he teased. 

Dylan rolled his eyes and looked to Hunter. "Planning another trip yet?"

"You bet." Hunter caught Mick's eye for a moment. Saying goodbye to these people was...hard. This was his family now and he didn't like leaving.