February 24, 2017

Can't Take It

Hal glanced over his shoulder at Sam, and felt badly. He didn't mean to make her feel bad too, he just didn't like the thought of her being alone with Aaron when no one else was around. If anything happened... 

He eyed the bag from the toy store and knew she'd brought something else for Aaron. He didn't mind that, and actually thought it was a pretty clever way of giving Aaron something to do. 

He let the whole matter drop for now. "I'll be back in a bit," he mentioned more calmly, and took his paperwork with him as he left the office...

"...I just don't think she should be Aaron's handler."

Reese sighed at Hal. "Why? What happened?"

"Aaron needs a firm hand in case he pulls something."

Reese shook his head. "I'm sorry, but the FBI wants one of theirs to be his handler, Kirk picked Sam, end of story. Are you two not getting along? We can find somewhere other than the security room for her to land."

Hal's arms were folded across his chest as he stood in Reese's office, and his eyes dropped. "No... we're fine, I just..."

"You just what?"

"Nothing." Hal pursed his lips. "I guess maybe I overstepped my bounds." He turned and wandered out to the main floor, still feeling unsettled.

Aaron sat on the floor of the bedroom. There really was no reason, other than he was tired of sitting in bed all day. His one knee was up while his bad leg was stretched out. He tossed the magazine he'd been reading to the side and glanced up at the nightstand where the legos still were, still untouched for days. He wanted to go back outside. He wanted fresh air again. He hated it in this room. 

He eyed the door. He knew it was still unlocked, but he'd only left once earlier this morning to use the restroom and brush his teeth. He could have wandered the building but... he just didn't feel like it.

"Mm... there's a third option..." Hunter grabbed Ryan's hand and led her to the chair. After sitting down, he pulled her sideways into his lap so her legs could hang over the armrest. "See? No squishing involved."

He slid his arms around her waist. "At least not unintentionally." A sly grin emerged and he brought a hand up to the back of her head to being her face closer to his. "I can't take it any longer," he whispered. Closing the gap, he finally kissed her lips. He gave her several gentle kisses before letting it linger and deepen. Forgetting they weren't alone, he ran his fingers through her hair and just let it last as long as she'd let it.

In the kitchen, Eli smiled. "Yeah... she seems happy. And you're right... It's different. Not sure if it's just the new Ryan with all she's been through, or if Hunter just brings something out of her that other guys haven't." He shrugged. "I dunno. I'm just glad she smiling and laughing at all. I thought I might never see that spark again."

He rested his forehead against hers and sighed before giving her lips another kiss and smiling again. "Let's go see what kind of movie we got to watch." Keeping his arm around her shoulders, he walked with her to the living room, but stopped in the doorway. Seeing Hunter and Ryan, he rolled his eyes and lowered his voice to a whisper. "I say we sneak up on them."