February 26, 2017

Two O'clock

Hunter grinned at Ryan, just studying her face, so close to his. Every curve. Every soft edge. How the morning light reflected off her cheeks. His lips met hers again, softly for a kiss ever-so gentle. "You better taken me inside for some coffee before I make a scene," he teased. 

Straightening, he fastened his helmet to the bike, then did the same with Ryan's. In spite of being up, walking and driving, he stifled a yawn. "Caffeine," he mumbled and slung an arm around her shoulders. "Take me to caffeine..." 

Drinking coffee didn't take nearly as long as he wished it would, but he also knew he had to get Ryan to work so she wouldn't get in trouble for being late...

...Pulling up to the auto shop, Hunter parked but didn't turn off the bike engine. He did take his helmet off though, just in case Ryan offered a goodbye kiss. "I got a race tonight... see you then?"

Hal couldn't help but chuckle. "Alive is always good." Maybe sine Justin didn't take too long, it would speed things up... He was already quite hungry for lunch... 

...Sitting across from Sam at Tou Han's, Hal looked over the menu, then rolled his eyes. "I don't know why I always look at the menu. I get the same thing every time." He sighed and took a sip of his water. It had been his idea to go out to eat after he'd been so upset earlier, and now that they were here, he suddenly felt rather...awkward. Which didn't make a lick of sense. 

He cupped his hands around the cold glass. "I... totally forgot the address of the new place. You didn't happen to bring it, did you?" 

It was dark at the ranch. The clouds had covered all stars and moon, leaving an almost-eerie atmosphere. Yet because it was here...it was peaceful. A single light was on in one of the smaller barns though, and inside, a warmth. Few shadows flitted about, but it was quiet. 

Outside Ashlee's window, Dylan hesitated, then tapped lightly on the window pane. It was two in the morning, and he knew she'd be asleep, but he also knew she was a light sleeper.