February 2, 2017

Master List

Clint snickered at Ryan accidentally helping make a mess while he was still wiping off his own shirt. "I doubt you could teach him any more bad habits than I do." He threw Wendy a teasing look. She was always getting after him about goofing off with Chase and already teaching him bad manners.

It was a fun evening. Relaxing. Peaceful. Clint was glad they could add to Ryan's stay here, and hoped she was enjoying it as much as he appeared to be. After supper they played with Chase to wear him out before bedtime, then had some ice cream to top off the evening. Clint smiled and laughed... perhaps not even realizing that had become somewhat of a rarity.

Hunter stretched out on his bed and sighed deeply. He'd opted not to play cards tonight. Even though he'd done very little all day, he was tired. Maybe it was just because being here at the ranch was relaxing and his body was trying to get rid of the stress he'd felt lately.

It felt a tad odd, not having seen Ryan all evening. Not that it bothered him - he hoped she'd had a good time with Clint and Wendy. And... it was probably good she was hanging out with someone else tonight. He didn't want her to think she was tied to him while they were here - he was on vacation, and so was she, and could do whatever she wanted.

He rolled over on his side and looked out the window at the dark sky. He wished the ranch wasn't so far from Nevada. But maybe this way it made the trips more special since they couldn't happen very often.

He rolled back over onto his back and fluffed his pillow, closing his eyes. A few minutes later, he rolled over onto his stomach. Then his side. Then his back again. Maybe trying to sleep at a decent time hadn't been as grand of an idea as he'd thought. Or maybe... it felt like something was missing.

"Okay..." Pete nodded while the wheels in his mind continued to turn. He didn't like where any of his thoughts were leading but they did need to figure this out. "I'll formulate a list and any of my own theories. 

The rest of the day felt off kilter. He felt as if he was trying to find one of his own to rat out. He knew that wasn't true, but he couldn't help his feelings. By the next day though, he had a list ready for Ron, and found him in the cubicle he'd claimed the day before. 

"And here... is our master list." He held up a sheet of paper without even greeting Ron. It was straight down to business. "Come on. Let's talk in the meeting room." He'd rather have the privacy. Once there, he taped the list up on the wall:

Garret Jackson
Carson Banks
Scott Johnson
Misty Banks
Susanne Baker
Justin Hawks
Jason Stevenson
Sapphire Johnson
Mike Reese
Dalton Heathrow
Hope Garrison
Rick Johnston
Con Gibbs
Katie Pent
Nate Driers
Wyatt Reese
Angelica Lockheart
Hal Timbs
Chance O'Mally
Jamie Gibbs

"I left Gunner's name off because, as you know, he hasn't even been around. And... I'm not on there, because I'm standing here, and you can question me first if you want." Pete sighed and nodded. "I listed them in order of who I thought has the most motive. Garret Jackson doesn't have access to anything around here, but he's been living with Nate, so I don't have a hundred percent faith he's not involved somehow. And the list goes on." He gestured to it again. "I left off the FBI agents because quite frankly, I don't think they're involved. I also left Simon Phinox off because he's not even on location to know what's going on." 

He looked to Ron grimly. "As you know, we're gonna need computer records - we can get them from Dalton but... he's on the list, too. However, he's been training Jamison, and if Jamison has learned enough, he maybe should be our go-to guy to see if anybody has been doing anything on their computers they shouldn't. If it's just a leak, it could be anybody. If it's the shooter themselves..." He shook his head. He couldn't imagine anyone here actually doing that. "Then obviously they won't have any solid alibis."