February 10, 2017


Gathering her things Karla smiled hearing she could still coming tomorrow. Though there was a strange look in Levi's eye she tried to pay no mind to it. Maybe it was odd she wanted to come in even on a day off but she could have the weekend off, and that was enough time for her. Not because she needed the money but because it was something to do.

Showing Levi where to go it didn't take long to get to Karla's place. Hearing Levi's offer of picking her up again she smiled and nodded. Sleeping in did sound nice, and she wouldn't have to get up early to walk so it worked. 

   "Ten AM, right here...got it."

Getting out of the car and grabbing her things she bend down to look in the door and smiled again. Even if it was late, she had a blast.

   "Thanks for giving me an entertaining night. I had fun."

As Bonzi slowed Ryan grunted a little. If she could walk tomorrow to be able to get home she'd be lucky. Something told her she was going to be sore. She wouldn't complain though this had been way to much fun, and she wanted more.

   "More, More..."

Ryan felt like a little kid as she gave a squeeze to Hunter and laughed again. Resting her head on his back she gave a content sigh.

   "That was amazing. It felt so free. Now I see why people like doing it."

As Ashlee and Travis walked to the barn Ashlee took his hand. She noticed how he became quiet and it worried her. She didn't say anything though and just kept walking. Maybe it was just the whole thing with Dylan that left a bad taste in his mouth.

Walking and listing to Travis at the same time as he started to talk Ashlee was surprised by what he said. She never would have guessed Dylan would do something like that and why. Did it have to do something his recent attitude too?

   "I don't know what you could have done to me. As far as I've seen you have been pretty nice. I'm sorry he did that. I don't think I have ever seen him intentionally get someone in trouble before."

Stopping for a second and putting a hand on Travis' arm her eyes really were sorry. He felt bad for Travis and wished she could help. Even if this whole thing wasn't to bad, it still sucked.

   "Maybe it would be best if you just stay out of his way? Not trying to say you are getting into it, but I don't want him to cause trouble for you...ok?"