February 10, 2017

Bad Side

Travis smiled, glad Ashlee wasn’t upset with him. “Eh… I won’t melt. And I might ‘accidentally’ spray you back anyway.” He nudged her with his shoulder as they walked. 

Heading back to the barn, he grew quiet for a moment. He didn’t like the weird triangle that had formed with him and Dylan and Ashlee, but she deserved to know everything. “I hope you know, I’m not trying to make things tense with Dylan…” His voice had grown serious, but it was still soft. “I don’t know what his problem is. But even that night I came to your window after we got in trouble? I had asked him which window was yours and… he actually sent me to your mom’s window.” He smirked. “My plan kinda backfired on me there but... I dunno.” He shrugged. “If you’ve got any idea what I did to get on his bad side, tell me.” 

Hearing Ryan's laughter, Hunter couldn't help but laugh right along with her. Hearing her happy in this moment made this whole trip worth it. It had been a good idea to bring her here. Just keeping Bonzai at a steady, smooth pace, he kept going all the way until the far side of the pasture before reining him down to a walk again. 

Still smiling, he patted Ryan's arms that were still around him. "Well? You survived... and didn't even fall off." He turned his head to try and see her over his shoulder. "What do you think?" 

Levi grabbed his wallet to stuff it in his back pocket before grabbing his keys next. Hearing Karla's question, his eyebrows rose. And though he smiled, there was a sadness in his eyes. Did she really have so little to look forward to that she'd actually rather come to work than have a day off? 

"Of course you can come in. I just want to make sure you're getting the credit you deserve." He nodded towards the door so she could leave first and he could lock the door. 

Following her directions, he drove her home. He had always assumed she lived close by since she always walked to work, and was glad to know it really wasn't all that far. Pulling up to the curb in front of the apartment, he looked over to her and smiled. "Thanks for sticking with me tonight. It meant a lot and you were a really big help." He paused and thought for a moment. "Tell you what... sleep in... then be right here on this curb at ten o'clock. Got it?"