February 10, 2017


Travis looked down into Ashlee's eyes and tried to smile. Taking her hand from his arm, he gave it a little squeeze. "Okay. It's not like I've been going out of my way to be around him, so it shouldn't be hard." He shrugged. "You have nothing to be sorry about though. You haven't done anything."

Gaining a new smile, he started forward again, tugging on her hand to follow. "Come on. We got some dirty horses to wash..." 


He kept working on the saddle, not looking up at his father's voice. "Yeah?"

"Everything okay?"

Dylan's hands stopped and he finally glanced up. "I think so. Why?"

Mick shrugged as he leaned on the doorway. He'd known the two other kids had been in here, Dylan had shown up, and now he was alone. Something just felt off. "Just making sure. Getting along with Travis?"

Dylan sighed. "Why do people keep asking me that?"

Mick's eyebrows rose. "Sorry. Bad day?"

Dylan  rolled his eyes as he stood to get a new rag. "My day is fine. Every day is fine. Just trying to get my work done."

"Uh huh..." Mick cocked his head. "I asked Travis to bathe some of the yearlings that rolled in the mud yesterday. He could use a hand."

"He's already got one." Dylan flopped back down on the bench to keep working on the saddle. "I'd just as soon leave those two be."

Mick blinked. Maybe he had this backwards. "You and Ashlee not getting along?"



"I'm fine!" Dylan widened his eyes for emphasis. "Go... do whatever it is you do before lunch so you'll have time for that ride with Hunter this afternoon."

Now Hunter too? Mick sighed. "Okay. I'll... see you later."

Left alone again, Dylan leaned back against the wall and just stared at the partially done saddle. Pointless. Everything.

Hunter laughed as he nodded. "It's pretty addicting. We're just gonna have to get you back here so you can do it again. In the meantime though..."

He turned Bonzai around. "Hang on." Taking off again, he let the horse lope back the way they'd come, giving Ryan another fun ride. He veered off a different way before the lane to the ranch yard though, taking them into the next pasture where he finally slowed down once more. 

A little breathless himself, he chuckled and patted Bonzai's neck. The horse was getting quite the workout by running with two riders. It was a gorgeous morning, perfect for being out here. The ground had dried up from the rain nicely, leaving everything fresh and green. The height of the sun warned that lunchtime would come all too soon, but Hunter didn't turn around quite yet. He wanted to give Ryan as much time out here as she wanted before heading back. 

Approaching a small ridge that looked ahead to the foothills, Hunter reined Bonzai to a halt and just enjoyed the scene. Swinging one leg up over the saddle horn, he sat almost sideways so he could turn and see Ryan. Just studying her eyes, he smiled. There was life in them again. He only hoped it would stay, even after she got back home. 

Levi chuckled and nodded. "I had fun too... Let's just not do it again too soon, alright?" He gave Karla a little wave. "G'night, Karla. See you tomorrow."

He waited until he saw she was safely inside before driving away. It didn't take long to get to his own apartment, and once there, he fell right into bed without even changing clothes. Nothing could wake him until his alarm went off hours later...

Pulling up to the curb just like he'd promised, Levi waited for Karla. He was just a couple minutes early and had two coffees he'd picked up for them on the way.