February 1, 2017


Hal nodded slowly, even if Sam's logic did scare him. She was right... people could be unpredictable just like Scot had been. There was a time this entire place was considered vigilante. Although they'd tried to avoid crossing the line to kill as much as possible. They'd only taken a life when they thought absolutely necessary to save an innocent one. What was happening now... was darker than that. Whether these criminals deserved to die or not, it wasn't up to one person to kill them off. 

Realizing he'd been lost in thought, he blinked, then sighed before swiveling around to face his monitor. "Forgot to ask if Aaron was okay." 

"Whoa, hey." Pete stopped short as Ron approached, surprised to see him. His eyebrows rose when he found out they were supposed to work together. Talk about things moving quickly. "Oh...okay." He didn't mind, he was just trying to process it all. "I'll be back in a few." 

He started to leave, then stopped at Ron's question. He cocked his head, just studying him a moment. He was impressed Ron remembered, let alone asked. "He's... okay. He's at a facility now where hopefully they can help him. It's been rough, but...they're trying to figure out what will help him in the long run." He knew Gunner had to be absolutely miserable, and hated it that he had to be at Brookshire, but there was nothing he could do. 

Turning again, he stopped once more and rethought his move. "I was just gonna go grab a coffee and bring it back. Wanna come?"

"Sure." Clint went to the stove to take over the stirring as Wendy left the room. He didn't cook very often, but he did help when he could, and he managed to only burn something a time or two. 

Hearing Ryan and Chase, he glanced to the table and grinned. He could tell she wasn't used to being around kids, but it looked like she could get the hang of it pretty quickly if she wanted to. "He's a big ham," he commented. "Keep giving him attention and he'll just keep babbling and banging away." He chuckled. "Wendy says he acts like me but... I told her I quit drooling a long time ago."