February 1, 2017

Be ok

Sam knew this had to be a hard thing to grasp. She herself was having a hard time believing it and she hadn't been here with these people nearly as long as Hal. To just imagen what he was feeling Sam could only guess. 

Having the conversation change Sam looking to Hal before pulling her chair a little closer to the desk and leaning on it for a second. In all honestly, she thought he was doing good and this little episode she couldn't help but think it did some good as well.  Though she wasn't ready to voice that.

   "He'll be ok.  Hurt his knee a little, but its nothing to bad. Mostly swelling at the moment. Are you ok?"

   "I'm glad to hear he is getting help. Seems to me he has a lot of people who care about him."

Ron really was happy that Gunner was ok, and in a place that could help him. Ron hated to see people hurt and suffering. He just hoped that Gunner would be ok. Even though he didn't know him he knew his friends and that was enough.

   "Thanks for the offer but I have been sitting for the last few hours driving. I think I am going to dive into some work where I can stand and move around. Maybe next time though."

The drive had been a long one but he did it in one shot. He just wanted to get here, unpack stuff and get settled. He hated moving but new it was necessary. The sooner he could get it over though the better. 

Hearing Clint's comment Ryan couldn't help but laugh and she booped Chase on the nose with her finger lightly. She never had really been around little kids before but Chase was cute with a lot of personality for a kid who couldn't talk yet.

   "I bet Daddy drools still...what do you think?"

Ryan's eyes twinkled as she talked to Chase and then looked at Clint. She couldn't help but tease him a little which in turn made Chase laugh even more. 

Coming back into the kitchen with Dara on her hip Wendy smiled. The bright eyed baby looked around at everything going on. Drawing closer to Ryan Wendy looked at Dara and than Ryan.

   "Ryan this is our other little girl Dara. Would you like to hold her while I finish up."

   "I um...I don't..."

Ryan stammered over her words trying to find the right ones. She had never held a baby before and it scared her to death. Not to mention what if she had one of her bad moments while holding the baby and she hurt her. A million things ran through her mind but not being given much option though as Wendy put her into her arms Ryan did her best to hold her how she thought she should. Supporting her head.

   "Look your a natural."

Wendy smiled again and moved Ryan's hands just a little so she could hold her more comfortably. Going back over to Clint she gave him a quick kiss before going back to the food.

   "Thank you Babe. Can you set the table? Dinner is almost done."