February 4, 2017

Too Fast

Hearing Xander's voice, Jim was relieved and more scared at the same time. The hand to his shoulder made him jump. "Xander?" He turned his face, but his eyes weren't focusing on anything. "I can't... I can't see. I... I thought it was just another spell but..." His voice shook. "I knew this would happen I just... I hoped I'd have more time." 

He swallowed hard and felt with his hand until landing on Xander's arm. "It isn't going away this time. I got... I got turned around and I can't..." He tried hard not to be emotional, but it was difficult. He didn't know how he'd survive without being able to see. His voice came back barely a whisper. "Can you help me back to the house?" He knew Becky would be there working on breakfast and she'd help him from there.

It took Hunter longer than expected to get to the barn. One would have thought he'd make it before Ryan, but it was at least another ten minutes before he finally showed up. Finding her just inside the door, he met her with a smile... and a travel mug. "Here." He handed it to her. "I... snuck in the kitchen and got he first of the coffee. Thought you might appreciate not waiting til after chores." 

Tossing her a wink, he slid by and aimed for the hay bales stacked near the back of the barn. "Come on. You can drink and work at the same time," he teased. Moving forward, he made sure she had a pair of gloves before handling the rough hay, and had her help him divvy it out to the hungry horses. Mick came by once to see how they were doing, but once he saw Hunter had a handle on things, he let them be, moving on to the other barn. Hunter really only knew as much as he'd helped Mick with the other morning, but he remembered well enough to get the job done. 

Once finished, he found himself at the back door, looking out at the clear morning. He took in a deep breath of the cool air and couldn't help his smile. "The days are going too fast," he mused. The ground was pretty muddy from the day before, but maybe he could at least take a walk later. It might be dry enough in the afternoon for a ride, but that would depend on the sun and wind. 

His stomach growled and he bit his lip before looking at Ryan. "Guess my stomach wants to get fed too."

Pete nodded decidedly. "Okay." He wouldn't argue with Ron. It was obvious the detective knew what he wanted and was comfortable enough with the job to get it done, and Pete wouldn't stand in his way. "No time like the present." 

He aimed for the main floor and did find Garret in Sapphire's cubicle, as expected. "Hey, Garret?" 

Garret looked up from the computer. Seeing Ron, he immediately bristled. "What?" 

Pete was skeptical of his tone and tried to tread carefully. "Can... Ron and I talk to you for a few minutes? In the meeting room?" 

Garret tensed even more. What was going on? Why were they wanting to talk to him without Nate around? What was Ron doing back here anyway? "About what?" 

"A case." Pete eyed Sapphire before looking back to Garret. "It won't take long." 

Garret leaned back in his chair stubbornly and folded his arms. His whole body was tense, ready to react should either man try to force him to go anywhere. "How about saying what you want to right here?" 

Pete took a deep breath. "It's a private conversation. C'mon. This doesn't need to be difficult." 

Garret didn't move. His eyes moved to lock with Ron's defiantly. He was not going to budge until he knew exactly what was going on.