February 5, 2017


   "Alright..stay calm...I've got ya."

Moving slowly as to not startle Jim anymore Xander slid his hand down his arm and took his hand placing it on his arm. Starting forward slowly Xander let Jim take his time not rushing him at all. He couldn't imagen how this was for Jim and he felt bad. 

   "Just take it slow, we are going to keep going straight, on your left are some hay bales, on your right is just the horse stalls. Doesn't matter how long it takes us to get back to your house, we are just going to go as slow as you need...ok?"

He kept his voice soft and as they walked a few other people stopped but Xander just nodded to them that they were ok. He wasn't sure if Jim was feeling but if it was him he would be a little embarrassed and he wanted to try and save Jim from that as much as he could.


Ryan took the coffee with a smile and took a sip of the warm liquid. This morning even this tasted good and it made the morning even better. Following along with Hunter Ryan just followed him.

   "See I told you, you were my life saver."

Setting her coffee aside for now and putting the gloves on Ryan watched what Hunter did and then just followed along with him. The work was hard but she didn't mind and never did she complain. It actually felt good getting the workout and feeling like she was contributing.

Following Hunter and assuming they were done Ryan took her gloves off and put them down on the hay bale. Sitting down as well just watching Hunter she took the last few sips of her coffee. She was starting to get used to the smell of hay and she liked it. 

   "The days are going to fast, I don't like it at all."

Leaning a little back on the hay bale Ryan's own stomach gave a grow when Hunter mentioned eating. Laughing she smiled and nodded along with him.

   "Food does sound good at the moment."

Standing with Pete and watching Garret, in all honesty, He was reacting kind of how one would expect. With everything Garret had been going through there was more than likely some hesitation there of what was going on. Stepping forward Ron looking at Garret, respect was in his eyes. He didn't want to cause any trouble.

   "Garret, we are working on the case of the shootings. I don't know if you have heard anything about it but we are questioning everyone. We already have questioned a few people. We can't do it out here though because it's sensitive information. I promise you are not in trouble. "

Shifting just a little Sapphire rested her hand on Garret's arm. She could feel his tension and felt bad. Why they wanted to talk to him she didn't know, but if it was just questioning it should be ok right?

   "Hey, if you go and just get it over with we can finish what we were doing and if you dont feel like answering any more questions you can leave and come back here and no one will stop you. Right?"

Sapphire looking to Ron again.

Giving a nod to Sapphire Ron didn't mind that at all. The other people they had already questioned had pretty much walked out so there would be no reason why Garret couldn't.

   "That would be absolutely fine. It shouldn't take that long either. Also all the questions we are asking are the ones we are asking everyone so we are not singling anyone out."