February 1, 2017

Six Cases

As Pete left Ron let out a sigh and just find an empty cubicle to at least call home, for now, to get to work. Going back and forth between his desk, the supply closet, and Reese's office to get files Ron finally sat down flipping one of them open to get lost in. This was a whole new ballgame, and though he knew he would be ok he was nervous at the same time hoping he would do ok.

Time passed without Ron even realizing it till Pete was back. It was super easy for him to get lost in his work. Hearing his comment about not getting comfortable he gave a small chuckle but didn't know what to say about it. He knew about the move but he didn't know who was happy about it and who was not.

   "Ok, well...there are six cases nothing in common other than..."

Ron went on to catch Pete up to speed on everything that was going on. He wasn't sure what he did know and what he didn't know so he just laid all he new and all he had read from the files on him hoping he was explaining it all ok. 

   "So everything in consideration I hate to say it but either someone on the inside Elite, or FBI is the vigilante, or they are leaking information to someone they shouldn't be. So I guess its going to be our job to find out."

Searching Pete's face for a long moment Ron tried to figure out what he was thinking. He really hated coming in and being the person to say this, or accuse such a thing but it was just fact, and he was following the pieces that were in front of him. Finally, he spoke again.

   "So suggested to Reese we interview everyone who was on each of these cases and see what we can find out. Not sure if he is going to be with us when we do these interviews or not."

Smiling down at Dara her big brown eyes looked back at her. Ryan's couldn't look away, her eyes so big and full of wonder, she soft hair. Moving her one hand she gently stroked the hair just to see if it was as soft as it looked, and it was. Smiling Ryan kissed the top of her head and inhaled the smell of baby powder. A new feeling welled inside of her, not a bad one but a happy one as she looked into those big eyes again. 

Finally sitting down for dinner Ryan looked around the table. The family atmosphere was nice, welcoming, and Ryan liked it. Taking a bite of her own food she couldn't help but close here eyes for a moment just enjoying the taste. Giving a nod of agreement to Clint before opening her eyes again and looking to Wendy. 

   "This is really good. Thank you so much for dinner."

   "You are very welcome Ryan. It's nice to have you join us."

Going back to her food it wasn't till Clint mentioned Hunter and racing that she looked up again and gave a small smile. 

   "Mmm...I guess it depends on the people. Most people have comment respect for each other. Racing, betting is fun, the rivalry is fun but outside of that we pretty much can be civil. There are always bad apples in the group, though."

Taking a drink of her water Ryan was quiet for a moment before speaking again.

   "It actully wasn't till a few weeks ago Hunter and I ever started hanging out outside the races, I needed a friend and he had my back when an incident came up."