February 11, 2017


Hearing that he hadn't been there long and he was actually early Karla let out a breath. The last thing she needed to do was leave her boss hanging when he was being kind to her. Seeing the coffee she smiled and picked up one of the cups taking a sip. Coffee in the morning was always a must have.

   "Now who is the live saver this morning. Thank you, for the coffee and the ride."

Just looking out the window as they drove Karla watched the scenes go by. She was so used to walking it felt odd to be driving to work. She'd gotten to know people she passed every day, shop owners she smiled and waved at. The break from walking was nice just different. 

Looking at Levi and his offer to buy lunch Karla was quiet for a second. That was nice of him to offer her then, but he'd already done so much for her and could keep taking his kindness when it might get him in trouble. 

   "I wouldn't mind doing lunch, but I can pay for mine. You have already done so much for me, I couldn't have you do another thing."

Ryan gave a laugh at Hunter's comment of staying. That sounded like a wonderful plan there was only one thing that would be missing and that was him. If he was going to stay she would, but since he wasn't it just didn't feel right.

   "No, I don't think that's a good idea. I'll leave tomorrow with you, just..."

Quiet again for a second Ryan looking out across the way and closed her eyes for a second taking in all the sounds around her. Peaceful, calm, just her and Hunter in this moment.

   "...when we go back everything is going to change. Go back to normal I guess. You're going to go back to work, I'm going to do whatever I do...and..we won't talk to each other anymore."

Opening her eyes again and looking at Hunter Ryan searched his eyes for a long moment before talking again. Her heart seemed to skip a beat as she talked. Hunter made her feel that way. He was so strong and so gentle at the same time. 

   "But I don't want it too. I...like having you in my life and..mmm...maybe I am crazy but...you mean a lot to me. I...idk what I am trying to say."

Ryan felt frustrated falling over her words. She felt like an idiot trying to figure out what to say. This hold telling people how you feel thing was hard. Bringing her hand to the side of Hunter's face Ryan just let her finger run over his cheek for a moment before she pulled herself a little closer and pressed her lips to his. Closing her eyes she let it linger for a long moment.

Pulling away and searching his eyes she hoped this didn't ruin what they had. but is was the only way she knew what to say without sounded dumb.

   "I guess...that speaks louder than..anything I could say."