February 10, 2017


It wasn't long before breakfast was done, another cup of coffee was downed and Ryan was ready to ride. She still needed help tacking up Buttons and was happy to have Hunter there to help but she was getting the hang of it. Maybe next time she came she would be a pro.

Getting out into the corral Ryan smiled as Hunter took the picture. Now she had proof she was really on a horse. It started out scared, and now still a little leery it wasn't so bad and she had the confidence to do this.

   "Best picture ever. Now the guys at the shop will believe me too."

Looking down at Hunter Ryan thought for a moment. She could do this and Button's hadn't led her astray yet. She knew how to turn, stop, go faster, slow down if Hunter was quick she should be ok by herself. She could do this.

   "I think I should be ok with you get Bonzi, just...dont take to long or we might both wonder away."

Laying on her back and just looking at Jason Katie brought a hand to his face and run her thumb over his cheek. Just smiling up at him. Simple was always the best with Jason, to get lost in time with him.

   "I think Reese would have kittens wondering where we were, and the people here on the beach...I don't think they would care. I'd stay anywhere...as long as it was with you."

Staying sitting on the floor Karla just watched Levi and laughed again at how excited he got. She was too tired to work anymore herself but she could just sit here and watch him. Chaos is what most people would say was the way he worked but she thought it was refreshing.

   "I think your on to something with the letterhead. See all you needed was a little push."