February 8, 2017


"Yeah... no, I'm alright." Jason blinked as the dizziness finally faded. "I think I just got up too fast." He smiled and bent to kiss Katie's forehead. "Nothing's gonna stop us from having our evening tonight." 

Helping pick up everything else, he felt just fine and drove them back to work. But even though he'd chocked it up to getting up to fast, his dizzy spell bothered him. He didn't have Rick to rely on anymore though. Misty was a good doctor, but Rick knew Jason's system better. What if something really was wrong? He tried not to let his mind run away with itself. Surely it was nothing, and he was worrying for absolutely no reason. 

Back to work, the day proceeded without incident, and not nearly soon enough, it was finally time to go. Jason stopped by Katie's cubicle, a grin pasted on his face. "So... you wanna come to my place and take off from there, or want me to pick you up? I gotta grab a quick shower is all." 

Pete sighed at Sapphire and just nodded. There was more he could ask. More he should as for records' sake, but he didn't. "Yeah. If you see or hear anything just let either me or Ron know. And keep this under your hat for now." 

Once she was gone, he sank into a chair and looked up at Ron. "This is ridiculous. I feel like I'm betraying my own team. I came up on that list out of pure logic. That's how the FBI would look at it, too. But it's wrong. It's all wrong. Nobody in the Elite is a traitor. We're just... not built that way." He shook his head. Unfortunately, this process needed to be seen through to the finish. If anything surfaced later, they would be in a ton of hot water for not investigating. "I don't think I can do any more of this today."

"Uggghhhhhh." Levi leaned back in his chair and let his neck flop back over the headrest as he let the chair spin around. While spinning, he took the paper he had in his hand and crumpled it up, throwing it into oblivion. Which... was actually the plant in the corner. 

Finally setting his feet down to stop, he righted himself and looked over where Karla sat at her small desk. "This. Is. Insane." He turned his gaze to his own desk where papers were strewn about. "I can't even come up with a decent logo they like, let alone their letterhead and business cards and flyers they want. All by..." He glanced at the clock. It was three in the afternoon. "Eight tomorrow morning." 

He sighed. His dad was gone to run errands. Karla had been doing everything she could to help them stay organized, but sometimes there just wasn't enough time in a day. "I think it's probably going to be an all-nighter for me," he admitted. "So if I'm a zombie tomorrow morning just... throw coffee in my face or something." He strummed his fingers on his desk. "Unless..." His eyes shot back over to Karla. "You wouldn't... Naw, I can't ask you do that..." He thought for another moment as his mind worked overtime. "But you do like pizza, right?" A grin tugged at his mouth as his eyes gained a new twinkle. "You don't have to say all night, but... you wanna work late at least? Help keep me awake and tell me if what I come up with is trash so I can get it right?"

"And I was like, whoa, dude!" Hunter and Mick came loudly into the house, both cracking up at something they'd just been talking about. 

Mick wiped his eyes from laughing so hard and he shook his head. "Bet he never did that again." 

"I certainly hope not." Hunter's face was red as he laughed, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm down. He and Mick both went to get some coffee, and when coming out of the kitchen, he spotted Ryan. "Hey, I'll catch you later."

"Yep. We'll go for that ride." Mick wandered his own direction to where Rosetta was, and slipped down into the chair beside her. "Good morning, Beautiful." 

Hunter joined Ryan at the other table, setting his leather gloves aside. "Hey there." He smiled as he sat down diagonal from her. She looked good this morning, as if she'd had a good night sleep. He hoped that was true. "Hope you don't mind I didn't bang on your door this morning. Figured you might like sleeping in." He took a sip of his coffee and sighed deeply. Taking a moment, he studied her face and eyes. "How ya feeling?" It was a genuine question... he really did want to know how she was doing in relation to everything she'd been going through.