February 28, 2017

Being Tired

Thinking for a long moment Sam thought about what she was doing tomorrow. Nothing came to mind, and even if she did want to check in on Aaron she could always do that in the afternoon. Trying something new with Hal seemed like fun.

   "Tomorrow sounds good. Want me to pack us a light lunch?"

She wasn't sure how long he wanted to stay out but if it was going to be through lunch the least she could do was pack them something so they wouldn't go hungry. She at least knew how to make sandwiches or if she remembered what  Aaron had shown her how to make.

   "Sure, I'd love to help. More work I have to do, the less I can think about being tired."

Shifting and giving a strech Ashlee finally stood and took the blanket folding it, and setting it aside for now. Once she went back to her bunk she would have to remember to grab it and bring it along. 

Looking at Dylan again Ashlee smiled. She was tired and was sure she looked it but she wasn't going to pass up this opportunity to be with her friend. Maybe today was just a good day for him so he wanted to hang out. She wasn't sure but she wouldn't waste it.

   "Alright, lead the way."

Waiting for Eli to get back to her Ryan went between work, grabbing some lunch, stealing a kiss and going back to work again. Having Hunter there gave her, even more, motivation to work a little quicker. 

Feeling her phone go off finishing up another car Ryan went next to Hunter and leaned against the bench between his legs resting her arms up on them with her phone in front. Giving a smile she turned her phone off again and slipped the phone back in her pocket. 

Leaning her head back in Hunter's lap she looked up at him and gave a smile. She was a little said Hunter wouldn't be picking her up but at the same time she was happy Eli would be going with her. Spending more time with him would be nice and having him there for a little more support would be nice for sure too. 

   "Looks like I got a ride to the races tonight but maybe I can get Eli to let me ride home with you."

Wanna Help?

Hal grinned a little as he chewed. "Good. How about tomorrow?" If Sam was going to overlook his issues as graciously as she was, then there was no reason for him to keep hesitating.

"It's Saturday and the weather is supposed to be nice..." He left the invitation lingering as he looked her in the eye, wondering if she really was as game as she said. In a way, even if he did feel like an idiot, he felt relief starting to replace his embarrassment. Sam had seen what most people didn't, and she hadn't shied away, so a friendship with her would most likely be safe. 

Dylan chuckled and nodded his agreement. "You're probably gonna want coffee multiple times throughout the day." He spoke from experience. Taking off his hat, he ran a hand through his hair before putting it back on and sighing. His eyes returned to the colt, watching as he smelled of his mother and watched the audience curiously. It took a little while, but he finally got up the courage to try standing, and after stumbling a bit, he was finally stable enough to stand by Copper, seeming to be quite proud of himself. 

"He's got good straight legs," Sparky mused as he leaned on the doorway. "Broad chest. Gonna be a big boy, I'd say."

"Mm-hmm," Dylan agreed. "Prolly will take after his tall daddy." 

It wasn't much longer that the colt was nursing and Sparky was convinced that all was well, and he opted to head to the house early to get the coffee started. Alone with the horses and Ashlee, Dylan yawned. It would probably be another half hour or so yet before anyone showed up for chores. "Wanna help me in the feed room? Got a couple half-barrels of grain that should be combined so we can take the empties to get filled up." He rubbed his eyes with his palms wearily. "Then we can clean out some water buckets and by then it'll be feeding time."

Hunter just grinned and stayed where he was, watching Ryan and eating his own lunch. He really didn't mind if she had to work through lunch. He didn't have anything better to do at the moment, and of course liked just being with her. He also wouldn't mind a bit if he needed to pick her up tonight, but he would just let her and Eli work it out. 

"Hey. Your sister's texting you." 

Eli looked up just in time to catch his cell phone that Axel had tossed to him. Sitting on the concrete floor of the garage, he read her message and nodded. "Thanks..." 

Axel wandered back to the front of the car and ducked under the hood. He might only have one hand, but he was not going to abandon this particular job. No one else knew where he was today, and it would stay that way until this project was complete. 

Eli leaned back against the car's tire and typed out his reply to Ryan.
Never too busy for you.
Scarlet ditched me for her cousin.
Actually, he was eating an early supper with her, then would be on his own the rest of the evening.
I can take ya to the race. 
See you at home tonight.


Hearing the proposition Ashlee thought for a long moment. It was pretty early as was, and she had gotten at least a little sleep before Dylan came to got her. As tired as she still was she might as well stay away now and try to at least get the day started.

   "I'm gonna stay too. I wanna see this little fella discover the world."

Looking to Sparky and then Dylan again she smiled. She actually had never pulled an all-nighter before but always wanted too. At least this would be a good reason. 

   "I think I'm definitely going to need coffee when the time comes though."

   "For the last time, you are not an idiot."

Sam smiled again as she dug into her food. Going to the lake and learning how to fish did sound like fun.

   "Just name when you want to and I am game.  I think it sounds like fun."

Hearing about the burgers and fries Ryan's stomach growled. Smiling she gave Hunter's let a little thump at she stole one of the fries before going back to the car she had been working on but still talking to Hunter as well.

   "Of course fries and burgers are ok. It's one of the best on the good foods to have. Thank you."

Leaning over the car and tinkering with a few things Ryan thought for a second about his question. She had forgotten to text Eli this morning.

   "Mmmm...I forgot to text Eli and ask. Let me do that now."

Pulling out her phone and opening the text she wiped some of the grease from her hands before type.

Hey Eli. Hunter has a race tonight and wanted me to come. Wanna go too? If your busy
that's ok I can have Hunter pick me up. Love
to have you along though.

Need to Prove

Seeing Ashlee's excitement made Dylan's smile widen. "Of course... couldn't let you miss it." He stifled a yawn before looking at his watch. "If we go back to bed now, we can get a couple hours in before we gotta do chores..." He looked back to the colt as Copper was cleaning him off and getting to know him. "Or we can stay til he stands up and nurses." 

Sparky chuckled as he stood outside the stall, washing his hands in a bucket. "Might be a little while yet." 

Dylan still looked at Ashlee. If they stayed, there was a good chance that going back to bed simply wouldn't be worth it. His smile evolved into a crooked grin. "I'm prolly gonna stay," he admitted. "Been a while since I pulled an all-nighter anyway."

Hal managed a smile as he tried to get past his embarrassment. He knew he just needed to forget this and move on. Otherwise it would continually bug him. Sam was nice, she didn't think anything of it, and he probably felt way more stupid than what she thought of him. At least...he hoped so. In all reality, this was totally out of character for him, which made it all the more irritating. Were his social anxieties getting worse or did it just go back to the simple, and silly, fact that he still wasn't used to hanging out with a woman? No matter the reasons, it couldn't get much worse than this, so he might as well move forward. 

"Good." He took a bite of his food and nodded. "We'll have to go to the lake sometime. I've got a couple extra poles and I think you'd have fun." He quirked a little grin. "And this way I'll have the upper hand for once. I need to prove I'm not always an idiot." 

Hearing Ryan call them knuckleheads, Leo and Miles exchanged smirks and rolled their eyes. They wouldn't have it any other way, though. 

Hunter returned her kiss and smiled, nodding at her suggestion. "I didn't know if you'd be able to break at all, so this is fine." He wrapped his ankles around her legs to lock her in front of him, his eyes dancing. "But I need one more kiss." 

Stealing another quick kiss, he released her and retrieved the little sack he'd brought. "I just grabbed some burgers and fries. Hope that's alright." He pulled out one of the wrapped burgers for her and a container of french fries. "If you need to work and eat, that's fine. I'll just hang out here a while then leave you be." 

He stayed sitting on the workbench as he unwrapped his own burger. "Oh, and, you want me to pick you up tonight or is Eli bringing you to the race?" 

Knuckle Heads

Ashlee gave a nod as she continued to watch. Once it was time she sat up just a little bit watching in amazement. What a wonderful experience to watch every moment and be on of the few to see the new foal. Just studying the foal Ashlee couldn't help the large smile that spread across her face.

   "He's wonderful, and perfect."

Looking to Dylan and smiling again Ashlee nodded. This was her first time seeing this and she already wanted to see again next time.

   "That was one of the amazing things I have ever seen. Thank you so much for letting me join you."

   "You are not an idiot. Just because you have a hard time with something doesn't make you one at all."

As the food came and taking the time to say a prayer Sam dug in taking a bit. Maybe eating would help take Hal's mind off how he felt. She really did feel bad for him and wished it was easier to put him at ease.

Taking a bite of her food and hearing his comment and question Sam thought for a long moment. She didn't think he needed to redeem himself but if he wanted to try and spend more time with her she didn't mind.

   "Well...I've seen people fish before but I have never tried myself. I'd be willing to learn, though. Looks like fun."

Despite all the work the morning had gone slowly and though Ryan new lunch time was coming there was far to much work to even think about stopping. Belting out a note to the loud song that was playing and tightening another bolt on the car she had been working Ryan didn't take much note to what went on around her. 

Hearing Miles whistle Ryan looked up and then hearing what he said she turned to look at Hunter. A smile spread across her face seeing him sitting there. The sunlight shone in just right putting a glow around him.

Wondering over and fitting herself between his legs where she sat she leaned on his knees for a long moment just looking at him.

   "You know...I think I kinda like it you don't have a normal job. If you did these visits would be a lot less, and I rather like them."

Leaning up and giving him a soft kiss Ryan didn't let it linger too long before retreating. Just smiling she was sad today was busy and her and Hunter could stow away somewhere.

   "Today is a busy day. Two fo our other guys are out. If you don't mind hanging around while I work I think it would be ok since the boss is not here. I can enjoy lunch between work, and well these other knuckleheads are pretty good company too."

February 27, 2017

Redeem Myself

Miles' eyes widened and he quickly opened the hood of the car in his bay. "Oh, it's on!"

Leo grinned and shook his head. He missed the competition and was glad Ryan was playing along again. He knew she'd felt slow lately, but he'd be the first to tell anyone she'd still been pulling her fair share in spite of everything she'd been going through. 

The morning went more slowly than anyone liked. It turned out to just be the three of them in the garages which made it harder, but working together, they were still determined to get it all finished. By lunchtime, the air was just a bit thick with frustrations, in spite of efforts to stay positive...

...Hunter ambled in the side door of the garage, going unnoticed under the sound of clanking tools and loud radio music. He put his sunglasses up on his head and wandered over to the workbench where he hopped up to sit, his legs dangling over the edge. He set aside the paper bag of food and just watched the mechanics, waiting. 

Miles was the first to notice him, and lifted his eyebrows. He whistled through his teeth at Ryan before calling over to her. "Hey, don't look now, but you're being watched..."

Feeling Sam take his hands, Hal snapped his head up in surprise. He didn't pull away though, and just listened, more embarrassed than he'd ever been, but unable to deny her graciousness. As her thumbs ran over his fingers, the same tingle ran up both arms, and his eyes dropped to look at her hands.

In spite of his mortified state, he couldn't help his laugh at her last compliment. Sighing, he shook his head and gave her hands a little squeeze before letting them go and retreating as he sat up straighter. His eyes refused to meet hers though. "I... cannot remember the last time I ever made such an idiot of myself." What was wrong with him anyway? It didn't make any sense, and he was beyond frustrated with himself. It wasn't like him to be this awkward around anyone. 

He finally looked up to meet her eyes again. "And you just proved how amazing you really are." He bit his lip. "Thank you... for at least trying to keep my dignity in tact. Truth is... I've pretty much exposed what an idiot I am, from my anxiety issues to my apparent lack of all social common sense." He grimaced at himself. "So here I am... in all my dumb glory, making a fool out of myself all over again. You'd think a grown man like me could handle a luncheon with a friend, wouldn't you?" He rolled his eyes and was about to say more, but their food arrived. 

After a quick prayer, he hesitated before starting to eat, and dared to look over at Sam again. Despite him making a total fool of himself... she'd somehow put him at ease. "I really need something to redeem myself..." He gave her a sheepish grin. "You don't like to fish, do you?"

Sparky continued to stroke the mare's neck as he answered Ashlee. "Oh, it can take several hours from start to finish, but this girl's been restless all day so I don't think we've got too long to wait."

"She's been up and down several times already," Dylan added quietly. "When she didn't get up again, that's when I came to get you." Feeling the chill on his legs, he accepted the corner of the blanket, shifting a little closer to Ashlee. 

The mare stirred, and Sparky smiled. "Oh yeah... it's close. We're lucky she doesn't mind an audience like most mares. Otherwise she'd probably wait til the minute we turned out backs."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Copper to give birth. Thankfully everything went smoothly and even Sparky sat back and let her be until the foal emerged and he assisted just a little. It was a colt, dark brown with a white blaze and a small white sock on one hind leg. His eyes were bright with wonder as he lay wet in the  straw, taking in the big new world. 

It took all Dylan had to keep his distance as he leaned back against the wall. He turned his head to look at Ashlee, a wide smile on his face. "Pretty cool, huh?" It wasn't the first goal he'd seen born, but it was always amazing.

A Person

Grinning Sam felt really bad for Hal though she was honored he thought she was smart and pretty she hated seeing him see funny, and embarrassed. As he put his head in his hands Sam shifted a little bit to get more comfortable. 

Reaching forward Sam put her hands on top of Hal's and just held them there for a long moment. Even if it was a little odd, and there was a little fear Hal will be offended or jerk away she did it anyways. Cocking her head just a little still smiling.

   "I'm just a person, a person who happens to like spending time with you. Just talk to me like you have known me for years as a friend but want to get to know me more. Trust me it would take a lot to scare me away. Just...be yourself."

Still keeping her hands on his Sam ran her thumb over his fingers. She liked Hal, he was a great guy, wonderful personality, and funny. She didn't want him to feel odd around her.

   "Thank you by the way for the compliment. You are pretty good looking too."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh as Leo smacked Miles over the head. After everything that had happened and everything Leo and she had been through Ryan was glad they could still be friends. Leo was a great guy, and he had come a long way. 

   "I say working twice as hard is a good plan so when the guys come in they won't have to worry or feel bad. After all the slack you guys picked up for me, I can at least help do the same. Axel has enough to worry about without adding more."

Turning to head to her space Ryan buttoned up her work shirt almost all the way and put her gloves on. She still wasn't fast like before but her mind was a little clearer. Maybe she could even show the guys some of the tricks Clint showed her.

   "I also have a hot date tonight...so Miles...don't dilly dally and gawk. Ready...set....GO!"

Coming in quietly Ashlee let go of Dylan and went to the corner where Sparky had motioned. Getting comfortable she put the blanket she had brought over her lap and offered a little to Dylan too. It was a bit chilly tonight.

Just watching with amazement this was a wonderous thing and Ashlee was so happy she could be a part of it. Leaning forward a little Ashlee kept her voice low as to now startle the mare.

   "Up to how long can she be in labor?" 


Hal took a sip of water and fished out an ice cube with his tongue to suck on it. Hadn't they had this conversation before? Maybe not. He couldn't remember. "Not working?" He quirked a grin before shaking his head. "I dunno. I guess when I get home from work, usually I go for a walk. Eat supper. Watch tv." He shrugged. "Every once in a while I might hang out with some of the others from work, but most of them are pretty busy. I like going to the lake. I like fishing."

He thought for a few moments. He didn't normally talk about himself, so it felt rather unnatural. Realizing he'd started staring at the table again, he forced his gaze back up to Sam. He could feel a slight bit of heat crawling up the back of his neck. She knew, didn't she? How uncomfortable he was? He knew it was stupid. After all, they worked together all day and had spent a couple evenings together too. The awkwardness should be gone. 

He cleared his throat again. "I'm sorry." The words slipped out before he could stop them. "I'm... well I mean..." He sighed. "I haven't made any new friends in a very long time and I'm not very good at it, especially when they're as smart and funny and pretty as you are." His eyes widened. Yep, he'd said it out loud. Resting his elbows on the table, he planted his face in his hands. "Can I hide under the table?" he mumbled. 

At Ryan's question, Miles looked at Leo, his eyes sparking with humor and he was just about to give her a slightly inappropriate reply, when Leo smacked him upside the head again. "Hey!" He rubbed hid head. "You used to be timid, you know that?"

"Yeah well... that changed." Thanks to Ryan, actually. Leo tossed her a grin. "Axel's out today and so is Jed. So we got a buttload to do but... I figure we can handle it." 

Miles smirked. "Well, Mister Positive, you can work twice as fast today then." He picked up a wrench. "Or! Tomorrow when Axel gets back, we just make him work on our cars too."

Leo threw him a warning glance. Axel's work was no joke...not anymore. Not when Axel wasn't hardly able to work on the engines anymore, due to his hand. 

Miles retreated and went to go start on the car he'd been working on the day before. 

Leo shook his head before looking back to Ryan. "I say you and I get our work and Axel's done for him so tomorrow he doesn't have to stress about it."

Dylan chuckled at Ashlee's excitement as they walked, and didn't mind when she linked arms with his. Truth be told, he'd hesitated after their conversation about spending less time together, but he hadn't wanted her to miss this. He knew she'd been looking forward to it.

Getting to the foaling barn, Dylan motioned down the right aisle and slowed his pace. A warm light was hanging on the stall wire, and the door was open. Sparky was kneeling in the thick straw bedding next to the mare who was lying on her side.

Hearing someone coming, Sparky glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "Hey," he greeted Ashlee quietly. "Pull up a seat." He nodded to the nearest corner of the large stall, which still gave Copper plenty of room. His hand gently stroked the mare's neck and he spoke to her softly.

Dylan slid down in the straw and leaned back against the wall, and motioned Ashlee to sit next to him. His job was to run and get his dad or Jim if anything went wrong, but so far things had been calm. "How's she doing?" he asked softly.

Sparky nodded slowly. "She got real restless but now that she's down, things seem to have slowed. Hopefully it won't be long now though."

February 26, 2017


Hearing the mare was about to have her foal Ashlee couldn't help but spark of excitement in her eyes that cut through how tired she felt. They had been waiting for a little bit now for this to happen and it finally was.

   "Yeah, I totally want to come and see. Let me get my shoes and a jacket on. Meet me around the front."

Closing the window Ashlee didn't even bother to change out of her PJs. She threw a jacket on and slipped her sneakers on. Grabbing her blanket she knew it was going to be cold and this could take a while. 

Slowly opening the door Ashlee slipped outside as to not wake her mom. Seeing Dylan she smiled at her friend. Linking her arm around his she walked forward with Dylan to the barn. She was happy he had come to tell her and knew how she had been looking forward to this moment.

   "Thanks for coming to get me. This is exciting."

Running her hand along Hunter's face and behind his ear combing his hair Ryan smiled and gave a nod. Tonight couldn't come quickly enough.

   "See you tonight."

Not turning Ryan walked backward towards the shop bay she had heard open not taking her eyes off Hunter. Finally getting there she knew she had to go in and turned throwing a wave. Seeing the guys at the other end of the shop Ryan put her jacket on her work bench before wondering over to them.

   "Hey whats on the menu for today?"

Sam couldn't help but chuckle a little to herself. She felt bad for Hal and how comfortable he looked. They had hung out a few times now one would think he would be ok around her. Maybe it was just that out of the swing of things.

   "So...I know a little about you but not much. When your not working what do you like to do?"

Good Kisser?

Hal quirked an eyebrow. "Of course I'm...up to it." Why would she think otherwise? He suddenly realized how stiffly he was sitting in his chair and tried to relax. Feeling like an idiot was happening way too regularly lately.

Thankfully they were interrupted by the waiter who took their order. Then alone again, Hal's eyes drifted to the window then traveled back to land on Sam's face. His hands remained cupped around his water glass, absorbing the coolness as he studied her soft brown eyes.

Dropping his gaze, he cleared his throat to fill the silence. His mind was drawing a blank as far as anything to talk about, which was doing little to ease his discomfort.

Hunter had no problem accepting and returning Ryan's kiss. His arm slid around her waist and he just enjoyed the moment as long as he could. 

In the shop, Miles had just opened up one of the bay doors, and his eyes widened as he saw the two in the parking lot. 

"Hey, quit lollygagging," Leo called to him.

Miles just pointed, his jaw hanging open. 

Leo came over to look over his shoulder and his own eyebrows rose. "Whoa."

Miles recovered and glanced back at him. "Is she a good kisser?"

Leo smirked before whacking him upside the head. "Don't you wish you knew."

"Uh...Yeah." Miles abandoned his staring and turned to follow Leo over to the workbench instead. "So is she?"

Leo rolled his eyes. "What do you think?"

Miles gained a silly smile. "Well she's good at everything else."

"Then there's your answer." Leo grabbed a rag and stuffed it in his back pocket. "Where's Axel?"

"Hmm? Oh. Told me yesterday he wouldn't be in."

"Is it his hand?"

"Don't know. Said he had some project and was taking a vacation day."

Outside, Hunter finally pulled back and sighed. His eyes locked with Ryan's as he smiled. "See you tonight."

Dylan looked up at Ashlee and gave her a crooked grin out from under his cowboy hat. "Yeah, everything is fine." He kept his voice quiet. 

"Copper is about ready to have her foal. Sparky's with her. Thought you might wanna come see."


Coffee was good and ended too quickly. Getting back to the shop Ryan really didn't want to go to work but she knew she had too. After being gone for a week, and her boss being so understanding about everything she couldn't take advantage of that.

Getting off the bike Ryan didn't move far as Hunter took off his helmet. Coming in close to him Ryan just played with the buttons on his jacket for a long moment before finally looking up at him and squinting in the sunlight. Did she really want to go to the races tonight? Was she ready? Looking into Hunter's eyes and seeing the comfort that was there she didn't care if she was ready or not she wanted to go to be there for him and if people had anything to say, she would do her best to ignore it.

   "I'll be there if Eli has nothing planned and can drive me. Definitely, keep an eye out for me."

Learning in Ryan's lips brushed his before she pulled away and smiled a little her eyes twinkling. She couldn't just leave it at that till she saw him again, that would be torcher to him, but to her too. Coming in again she pressed her lips against his and let it linger with passion this time.

Looking over the menu Sam chuckled at Hal's comment. Honestly, she was the same way. She always knew what she wanted but she looked anyway. Never knew what might be new and look good. 

   "Eh, never hurt to look anyways."

Putting the menu down and grabbing her tea Sam took a long sip she looked at Hal across the table. It really was nice they were doing lunch after this morning's little rough start but now that they were here, something just seemed off. Hal almost seemed nervous.

Looking around the room Sam thought it might be there were too many people, but it was just them. She felt bad but hoped it would pass quickly for him.

   "Yes, I actually got the address from Kirk before we left. As long as your up for it though."

Hearing a noise Ashlee opened her eyes and just layed in bed for a long moment. Was it just the wind or did she hear someone at the window?! Listening she heard the noise again and sat up. It was a tap, at her window. Who on earth.

Getting up out of bed and wrapping a blanket around herself Ashlee's bear feet padded across the floor to the window. Opening it and seeing Dylan Ashlee gave a sleepy smile thought she was slightly confused too.

   "Hey Dyaln. Everything ok?"

Two O'clock

Hunter grinned at Ryan, just studying her face, so close to his. Every curve. Every soft edge. How the morning light reflected off her cheeks. His lips met hers again, softly for a kiss ever-so gentle. "You better taken me inside for some coffee before I make a scene," he teased. 

Straightening, he fastened his helmet to the bike, then did the same with Ryan's. In spite of being up, walking and driving, he stifled a yawn. "Caffeine," he mumbled and slung an arm around her shoulders. "Take me to caffeine..." 

Drinking coffee didn't take nearly as long as he wished it would, but he also knew he had to get Ryan to work so she wouldn't get in trouble for being late...

...Pulling up to the auto shop, Hunter parked but didn't turn off the bike engine. He did take his helmet off though, just in case Ryan offered a goodbye kiss. "I got a race tonight... see you then?"

Hal couldn't help but chuckle. "Alive is always good." Maybe sine Justin didn't take too long, it would speed things up... He was already quite hungry for lunch... 

...Sitting across from Sam at Tou Han's, Hal looked over the menu, then rolled his eyes. "I don't know why I always look at the menu. I get the same thing every time." He sighed and took a sip of his water. It had been his idea to go out to eat after he'd been so upset earlier, and now that they were here, he suddenly felt rather...awkward. Which didn't make a lick of sense. 

He cupped his hands around the cold glass. "I... totally forgot the address of the new place. You didn't happen to bring it, did you?" 

It was dark at the ranch. The clouds had covered all stars and moon, leaving an almost-eerie atmosphere. Yet because it was here...it was peaceful. A single light was on in one of the smaller barns though, and inside, a warmth. Few shadows flitted about, but it was quiet. 

Outside Ashlee's window, Dylan hesitated, then tapped lightly on the window pane. It was two in the morning, and he knew she'd be asleep, but he also knew she was a light sleeper.


Being pulled in closer to Hunter Ryan wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss. Pulling away and being handed the helmet Ryan smiled before putting it on her head. Hearing Hunter's voice comes through the helmet Ryan was surprised but it was a nice added touch they could still talk. 

   "Oh neat, I'm gonna have to tell Eli he needs to upgrade.'

Holding on Ryan left out a laugh and then an even louder laugh as they went faster and she tightened her grip. She loved the way it felt on a motorcycle it felt so free the wind washing over them. It was her second favorite thing to being in a car.

Once getting to their destination Ryan was out of breath but didn't care. Taking off her own helmet and leaning forward Ryan placed a kiss on Hunter's cheek and just let her chin rest on his shoulder for a long moment.

   "Good Morning!"

   "I wonder if we can work comp our lunch too."

Sam smiled at Hal and looked back down to her paperwork before looking up again once he mentioned Justin. Moving a little closer to Hal and looking, Sam, thought for a long moment. 

   "Short session could be good and or bad. Least Justin was walking out of there alive, right?"

Good Morning

Eli was just pouring some milk over a bowl of cereal when Ryan walked through, and he raised his eyebrows. "Okay... have fun..." His eyebrows rose even higher at the kiss to his cheek, and he watched her as she went for the door. "Love ya!" And she was gone. Shaking his head, he returned his eyes to his breakfast, although his mind was still on his sister. They didn't often say out loud that they loved each other but... he could get used to it. He could get used to this happy version of Ryan, too. It had been too long and it felt oh so good to see her smiling again. He still had a few reservations about Hunter and how fast they were moving, but he couldn't deny his sister's happiness.

Hunter remained straddling his bike but cut the engine and took off his helmet when he saw Ryan approach. He couldn't stop his smile even if he'd tried. "Aw... C'm'ere and let me see those sore eyes of yours." As soon as she was within reach, he tugged on her jacket to bring her close and pulled her into a warm kiss before his smile broke it. "Here." He handed her the extra helmet. "Coffee awaits."

Putting his own helmet back on, he started the engine again and waited until he felt Ryan situated behind him. "Don't like the face shields but the surround-sound is nice," he mused, introducing Ryan to the mics in the helmets. He revved the engine. "Hang on, Beautiful."

Though starting out slowly, it only took a few seconds for Hunter to pick up the speed, picking up a little-traveled and straight street. "You might wanna tighten your grip," he warned before laughing and kicking it up another gear. The only downside to speeding was they reached the next intersection far too soon, forcing him to slow enough to join the morning traffic until reaching a little coffee shop.

Pulling into the small lot and parking, he killed the engine once again and took off his helmet to look over his shoulder at Ryan. "I don't think I said good morning yet."

"Thanks." Justin nodded to Hope, genuinely thankful for her time. Even he needed someone to talk to sometimes. "I'll talk to you soon." Heading out and across the hall, he took a deep breath and went to the bedroom.

Aaron looked up when there was a knock at the door, and was half-expecting Sam to be back. He was disappointed when he saw it was Justin, and returned his eyes to the Legos in his lap as he sat on the bed.

Justin let himself in and, as usual, grabbed a chair to sit. The partially built death star on the table didn't escape him. "How's it going, Aaron?"

Aaron snapped another piece of the car in place and didn't give Justin the satisfaction of looking up at him. "I'm still a prisoner. I still can't walk. And I still think your visits are pointless."

Justin grinned a little. "Looks like you've got several projects going at once."

"Sam's helping me with the other one." Aaron's focus remained on the Legos.

"You two getting along?"

"She's my handler. End of story."

"Most handlers don't build Legos with those in custody."

"I've come to the conclusion Sam's not like most handlers."

Justin cocked his head. "Still want to return to the Agency?"

Aaron sighed and finally paused his work to look at him. "What happened to beating around the bush?"

"I like changing things up."

"Yeah well, why don't you just think up something cute to say in your report and be done here?"

"Because that doesn't help you."

"You don't care about helping me. You're just doing your job."

Justin pondered that for a moment or two. "Who was the last person you truly trusted? How long has it been?"

Aaron's eyes dropped again. He had to think all the way back to Brooke. She'd been the last person he'd allowed to break his heart. After that, he'd given his life to the Agency but had buried his heart so it would be far out of reach from anyone. Trusting Garret had been as close as he'd come to anything more, and even that trust had been betrayed.

Justin waited without receiving a response. "Who was your last friend?"

Garret? Off the field? No. Brooke? She was a lover, but a friend? Not really. Before that? High school? Nobody there. His sister? She'd abandoned him. Aaron concentrated hard on the blocks in his hand.

Justin pursed his lips. "What's your future look like?"

Aaron scoffed. "You tell me. Once the Elite thinks they got enough out of me, they'll send me to prison. Sam says they won't but..."

"You don't trust her."

Aaron fiddled with a block between his fingers. It felt more complicated than that.

Justin studied every movement. Every muscle twitching. Every breath. Every subtle sign of Aaron's emotional state and his intentions. "What gets you out of bed in the morning if your future is so bleak?"

Aaron swallowed hard and he shrugged. "Breakfast?"

Justin gave him a wry grin. "Maybe you're more normal than you think."

"Look, why don't you just leave me alone?"

"You like that? Being alone, I mean."

Aaron shot him a glare. "Yes."

"Mm." He was lying. Justin could sense it. Aaron was miserable mainly because he was lonely and had learned to trust no one. There was a lot of hurt buried there... and maybe for the first time, Justin was beginning to see why Reese wanted him here. The more men they brought in from the Agency as prospects for the rehabilitation program, the more hurt needed to be healed. Everyone in the Agency eventually had their hearts trampled on, and it was despicable at the very least. "Ever want to try not being alone? Just to see what happens?" 

Aaron kept his eyes on his Legos. "Even if I said yes, there's no one who wants me for company."

"Well, looks like you've got Sam."

Aaron scoffed. "She's my handler." 

"You already admitted she's not like most handlers." Justin cocked his head. "Like it or not, I think you've finally met a group of people unwilling to let you go without a fight."

Aaron's eyes shot up.

Justin met his gaze. "One day... you'll understand how much value you have."

"An an informant."

"No. As Aaron. Just you. For no other reason than being...you."

For some reason - and not at all in tune with Aaron's wishes - Justin's words struck a chord down deep. Deep enough that his eyes lowered again and a thick wall was immediately raised. 

Justin could almost literally see the wall, and stood from his chair. He'd given Aaron enough to think about for today. It was short. But productive, even if it might not seem like it. 

Hal gave Sam a nod and turned back to his computer. "Okay. When you get back with Aaron's lunch, we'll take off."

He tossed a grin over his shoulder. "And we can call it partial work time since we'll be looking at the new place." His eyes lingered on her for a moment, wondering if there was something different about her smile than before. He swallowed hard and concentrated on his computer once more, but movement on one of the monitors caught his attention. Justin was just leaving Aaron's room. "That was a quick visit today."

Sore Eyes

No, I'm still laying here in bed.
But I can still be ready in half 
an hour.

Setting down the phone and just laying in bed for another long moment Ryan finally got up and wandered to the bathroom to shower and then get dressed. Wondering to the window and seeing Hunter was not there Ryan went to the kitchen. Seeing Eli and smiled.

   "Morning! Just wanted to let you know you won't need to take me to work today. Hunter is picking me up for..."

Hearing the horn a grin spread across Ryan's face. That would be him now and she knew it without even looking.

   "...We are going to go for coffee, and then I'll have him take me to work."

Coming closer to Eli Ryan gave him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away and heading for the door. Stopping as she opened it she looked over her shoulder.

   "Love you, Eli, thanks for everything."

Exiting and continue down the sidewalk Ryan stopped in front of Hunter and have a smile. It was good seeing him early in the morning again, she really did miss the ranch.

   "Morning! You are a sight for sore eyes."

Hope gave a nod to Justin happy to see was willing to keep going and do what he was good at. Maybe there was a cord that was struck a little deeper but from what Hope had seen of Nate she new he would more than likely get over it in time. Nate was a good guy.

   "Sounds good. Good Luck with talking to Garret as well."

Sam smiled happy Hal would at least try. That's all she asked and she would try to remember to fill him in a little more as well. Her relationship with Hal really was important to her and what they had build she was happy the air was clearer now.

   "I'd really like that."

Sam couldn't help her heartbeat increased a little. She had gone out with Hal, but never to an actual lunch. Just letting her smile grow a little more. It would be good to get out of the office for a bit.

   "Getting out would be nice, and so would scoping out the new place. I just have to bring Aaron some lunch before we go."


Hunter's eyes flew open at the sound and vibration of his phone that was half-stuffed under his pillow. Groaning, he retrieved it and squinted to read the new text message. He smiled as his hand dropped again and his sleepy eyes fell shut. The second text startled him back awake and he yawned, squinting again to read. His smile reappeared. 

You up and dressed?
Half hour. I'm coming to
Pick you up.

After sending his reply, he let his eyes close one more time before finally rolling out of bed to take a quick shower. True to his word, it was half an hour later that he was pulling his motorcycle up to the curb in front of Ryan's. Figuring she'd be looking out the window, he beeped the horn and held up the extra helmet he'd brought. She probably had her own to ride with Eli, but this way they'd be able to talk to each other. 

Justin looked down for a moment before giving a slight laugh and regaining eye contact with Hope. "I guess I did let that whole thing shake my confidence a bit." It was true, and he'd dwelled too much on Nate's reaction. "I wonder if there's a reason Nate reacted like he did." He hadn't thought of that before - he'd been so focused in himself. He'd lost his temper with Garret for sure. But Nate had reacted more severely than necessary. Justin would have immediately gone back to Garret to continue working with him had Nate not stood in the way. "I'm just glad Garret seems to have pulled through. Being around that family helped a lot I think. Which makes sense, considering his past."

He got lost in thought for a few moments before sighing. "Alright, well, I'll keep working with Scott. I'm glad to see some improvement."

As Sam touched his hand, Hal's whole arm tingled. He turned his palm up but she had already withdrawn, and he retreated quickly, his eyes going to a note on the desk.

He nodded slowly before looking back to her with a crooked grin. "Deal." He'd do his best to trust her as long as he at least knew what was going on.

It was quiet for a moment before he glanced up at the wall clock. "We got a little while yet but... come lunchtime, you wanna go grab something together? We should stop by the place Kirk and Adison are recommending for the new location."


Feeling where she had been laying shift Ryan moved just a little making a mumbling noise but not really pulling herself out of sleep. She would guess she was in Hunter's arms still, and it was way too warm to try and move out of it by waking.

Looking up at Hunter when he came back into the hallway Zidan gave a quiet woof telling Hunter goodnight before making his way to Ryan's room and disappearing. 

The night went well and finally as the sun streamed through her window Ryan stretched and opened he eyes. Just laying there for a long moment absentmindedly petting Zidan. A smile spread on her lips as she thought about last night and new Hunter must have put her to bed. It was sweet. Pulling out her phone she opened her text message.

I was thinking of picking up
coffee for us to share this morning
and then I realized I don't know
where you live.

Smiling and looking out the window for a second she squinted before holding up her phone again.

Come to think of it I can't get to
your house if I did know where
you lived. So want to do coffee
this morning?

Looking up at Hal when he talked Sam gave a small smile and laughed a little at his comment of going to jail. Glancing down for a second and running her fingers over a notch in her desk she thought for a long moment. She was happy Hal cared about her, they were forming a friendship and that was to be expected.

   "Hal, thank you for caring. It really does mean a lot."

Reaching out Sam placed her hand on top of his for a second smiling before pulling away. She didn't want him to stop caring, it felt nice.

   "I'm sorry too for making you worried. Next time I decide to do something like that I'll let you know, but you have to promise me you'll trust me too...ok?"

   "I think that's a good idea to talk with Garret about Scott. He might have some really good tips."

Thinking for a long second and searching Justin's face Hope felt a little bad for him. She new he was sorry for what he said and she new where Nate was coming from too. It was a hard situation.

   "Nate will come around I know he will. He's just a little sour still. He's pretty protective of the people he cares for. Show him though you are trying and I bet things will be ok. Just dont doubt yourself because of Nate ok?"

February 25, 2017


Eli grinned and nodded his agreement. “Yeah… you’re right.” Sighing, he gave Scarlet a squeeze and turned to kiss her lips gently. “I’ll go to bed and leave them be. Hunter can leave whenever he wants…” 

The movie was long over. The lights were off. The apartment was quiet. Hunter’s fluttered open and he sighed, nuzzling into the warm bundle in his arms. Wait… where was he? He opened his eyes again. Oh yeah. He was at Ryan and Eli’s apartment. He yawned and looked at his watch. It was well after midnight and he sighed. Straightening out a bit, he ran his finger along Ryan’s cheek. He hated to wake her. But it was only right that he go home. They weren’t at the ranch anymore after all. 

Putting the footrest down, he took Ryan in his arms and stood, taking her with him. Carrying her to the hall, he squinted in the dark and paused at the first door, but heard snoring. Nope. The next door was cracked open, and he nudged it open further with his foot. Ah, yep. There was enough moonlight streaming in through the window so he didn’t trip over anything and kill himself, and he carefully went to the bed, gently setting Ryan down. Feeling for her blanket, he pulled it up over her, and leaned down to lightly kiss her lips. “Goodnight,” he whispered. 

Back out in the hall, he almost ran into Zidan, and patted the dog’s head. “Go watch your mistress,” he suggested quietly. "Make sure she doesn't have nay nightmares." Yawning again, he shuffled to the front door where he put his boots and jacket on and grabbed his motorcycle gloves. Maybe he’d take the long way home and enjoy the fresh air. 

As Sam joined him once again, Hal sighed a little and downed the rest of his coffee. There was a rather awkward silence for a few minutes until he finally turned towards her. "I'm sorry," he apologized quietly. "For earlier." He pursed his lips as he studied her face. "I didn't have any right to butt in. You're in charge of Aaron and... I'm sure you can handle yourself a lot better than I gave you credit for." 

His eyes fell to the desk and he shrugged. "I guess I just wanna make sure you're safe, that's all. I don't trust Aaron's intentions and if he hurt you I'd probably kill him, and I don't wanna end up in jail for murder." A sliver of a smile came to his lips and he gave Sam a sidelong glance. "So really, I was just being selfish."

Justin took a moment to study the pictures Scott had taken, silently mulling over Hope's words. "He's lonely and just wants peace," he mused. "Domino sleeping like that is about as peaceful as you can get and he caught it with his camera. The flower is interesting since he took to what he could relate to - something lonely. But the flower had strength to survive and I think Scott's subconscious is trying to do the same. Survive." 

He turned back to Hope, still thinking. "If Garret can tolerate me for a few minutes, I wanna talk to him about Scott controlling his data and see if he's got any suggestions. I have an idea about him helping Scott take his aggression out too, but that's only if Scott can handle it, and only if Garret will play nice with me." He sighed. And now they were on to his own issues. "Nate's still gone, so maybe I can get away with talking to him without any evil stares. I know I messed up but I wish Nate would give me a break."


Sam smiled at Aaron. She was happy he really did believe her about what she said. She had enjoyed helping him truly no strings attached. 

Standing and wondering to the door Sam stopped looking over her shoulder for a second. She wanted to tell him she would be back and they could make take a short walk but she wasn't sure if she would be able to or not so maybe it was better not to say at the moment.

   "I'll see you again soon Aaron."

Exiting the room once again Sam left the door unlocked. There hadn't been a problem at of yet. Seeing as it was the middle of the day Sam and the door was unlocked Sam made her way to the security room so she could keep an eye on things. 

Entering the security room Sam gave a little smile seeing Hal and sat down in her chair before turning the one monitor that was in the room where Aaron was. She wasn't sure what to say to Hal at the moment or if he was still upset with her. All she knew is she didn't like it.

Hunter was so warm and Ryan enjoyed the movie and the extra attachen from the tickles but soon her breathing matched his, and the warmth took over and Ryan was fast asleep.

Looking over at Hunter and Ryan Scarlet smiled at their sleeping form. They seemed so peaceful and comfortable. Scarlet even took note to how Hunter was holding Ryan. Maybe no one else would have noticed but it was such a protective form how he had his arms around her, as if shielding her from the world while she slept.

Turning her head back to Eli and leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment she let out a content sigh. She loved this family with all her heart, and she loved Eli so much more.

   "I say let them sleep. They look to peaceful to wake."

   "I'm seeing a big improvment. The fact he wants to go out with me, or do anything for the matter is great."

Hope turned and pointed to the pictures she had hung on the wall Scott took. She was so proud of them, and she loved how they looked. It was hard to describe but they spoke to her.  

   "He even picked up his camera again and took these. I've seen good days with him and bad days but I'm seeing him open up more and that's a good thing. Maybe next time he gets mad he just needs too punch something. Some thing safe, but something to help him feel in control."


Aaron nodded and managed a small smile. He'd look forward to building more on this tomorrow, and was glad Sam wanted to keep helping him. "Okay." He wanted to ask if he'd get a walk today, but resisted. She'd already spent more time than normal with him this morning. 

Getting up from the chair, he took a moment to stretch his knee before limping to the bed to sit there instead. "I... think I believe you, by the way..." His eyes fell to study the rug on the floor. Nobody was a good enough liar to sit here and build with Legos if they didn't really want to. "About you not pretending to want to be my friend." He shrugged. "Heck if I know why you'd want to but... I believe you."

In the security room, Hal swiveled back and forth in his chair. He was calmer now and felt bad for getting so upset at Sam. He fingered the coffee cup she'd brought him and sighed. He hadn't done a very good job of thanking her for being so nice.

Hunter let Ryan snuggle down with him, keeping his arm around her and sighing with content. It felt kinda good to be all wrapped up with her again. He knew they'd been completely innocent at the ranch, but it still felt like a guilty pleasure to be tucked in close to her again. 

As the movie played, they all laughed at the funny scenes, and Hunter tickled Ryan a time or two to make her laugh even more. Eventually though, it was just too warm and comfortable to not start to doze off. 

On the couch, Eli was mighty comfortable himself, but managed to stay awake, his hand gently running up and down Scarlet's back. As the movie started coming to a close, he glanced over to the chair, and nudged Scarlet. "Should we wake 'em up or let them sleep?"

"I was at Scott's this morning..." Justin stood in Hope's office, checking in before heading to see Aaron . "He said you two have been spending some time together." He nodded. "I was glad to hear it. Seems he's started trying again - trying to get better. Not sure what to do about his anger issues, but im seeing improvement all around. How's he been with you?"

February 24, 2017


Sam gave a nod to Aaron and looked at the directions while he opened all the bags. This looked extremely complicated but it was definitely a challenge she was up for. Finding step on when Aaron asked Sam pointed to the picture.

   "Ok so it looks like we need flat pieces."

The time ticked and Sam didn't know how much time had passed but she was really enjoying helping Aaron with the model. It as hard, but it was fun learning what all the pieces were called and helping Aaron look through the big pile.

Giving a stretch at Aaron's comment Sam looked down at her watch taking note of the time. She really did want to stay and help more bit it would probably be a better idea to get some other work done too so she didn't make anyone else upset.

   "I would really like that. I had fun helping you. Maybe tomorrow we can work on it more."

Ryan couldn't help her smile grow and shriek a little as the chair went back.  She liked the idea of just cuddling in with Hunter, watching the move and possible falling asleep. Truth be told, she missed falling asleep next to Hunter since they had been back. Though she would never tell anyone that it was the truth.

   "I'll do my best not to fall asleep, but I'm not promising anything. Just don't wake me if I do."

Once Eli had sat down with his arm around her Scarlett moved a little too lean into Eli a little more to her comfortable. Turning her head and looking at him she smiled and gave a nod before giving him a quick kiss. 

   "As long as you are next to be I am always comfy."


Aaron wasn't surprised that Sam stayed. He'd actually been betting she would. And although he didn't respond to her words at all, that didn't mean he wasn't tucking them away to revisit later when he was alone.

He grinned as she opened the box. "Easiest way is to follow the directions." He pulled out the illustrated booklet and handed it to her. "They sorta separate the pieces in bags but I usually just open them all so I can find what I'm looking for." He started by opening one bag and carefully dumping the contents on the table. Once all the pieces were in one big pile, he motioned to the directions. "Okay... what do we need first?"

It didn't take long to get a small start on the large project, and Aaron was glad to get his mind on something other than his knee. Reaching for a piece, his hand brushed Sam's, and he was surprised at how soft it felt. He couldn't remember when his hands weren't rough with callouses and scratches from all his jobs.

He retrieved the piece and added it to the growing model. "I know you can't stay here all day," he mentioned. This set was going to take quite a while to build. "But I can always work on the other ones myself and save this for when you have time."

Hunter sighed with content and closed his eyes as Ryan's fingers ran over his face. Her touch was so light and soft... he wouldn't mind if she did that all day....

Opening his eyes again, he laughed at the unfortunate nickname. Reaching down the side of the chair, he pulled the lever to lean it back and put his feet up, pulling Ryan down on top of him as his smile widened. "Well if you're gonna go to sleep, you might as well be comfortable," he reasoned.

"Funny... funny...." Eli ran his finger along their collection of DVDs until finding a comedy they all liked. After putting it in, he went for the couch and settled in with his arm around Scarlet, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Comfy?"


   "I guess I was a good guesser, I just saw it and thought it was cool myself."

Just sitting there with Aaron Sam felt bad with the words he spoke. How crappy must life be to think she really was pretending? How many people had hurt Aaron to have him, have a hard time believing someone really did care.

Getting up from the floor and hearing the invitation Sam wondered over to the little table and sat down. Smiling she helped open the one end of the box.

   "I'm not pretending, by the way, to care, or being your friend. Only you can decide if you have something to live for or not as well."

She really wasn't even if this was her job. She did care what happened to Aaron, and she cared about his knee. She also did want to be his friend. 

Pulling out some of the bags from inside she read what they said and set them aside. She'd played with Legos before but nothing this major. It kind of felt overwhelming to her.

   "Ok, where do we start on this monstrosity."

Hearing her brother voice and Hunter pulling away Ryan tilted her head backward over the armrest to look at Eli and Scarlet with a grin. They had been caught red handed but she didn't mind too much. There were plenty of days when she had walked in on them smooching as well.

   "Make it a funny movie."

Looking back at Hunter and leaning forward to give him a quick kiss again Ryan pulled away and smiled just searching his face for a long moment running her fingers over his cheek, nose, and his eyes. It was amazing how two people came together. She had never really thought about it befoe but having Hunter here, now made her think of it. If month ago someone asked if she would be together with Hunter she would have told them, no, and yet here they were happy, content.

   "I'll try, but you are pretty comfortable Lumpy, I might be the one falling asleep."

Help Me

As Sam came into the room, Aaron looked up dimly. Another day. Another visit. Nothing ever changed. He wasn't expecting her to sit on the floor with him though, and he lifted an eyebrow. Still saying nothing, he looked in the bag, surprised by the Legos. He hadn't really thought she'd bring him more. These weren't cheap sets either. He ran his fingers over the box with the Death Star and could feel the old itch to build.

He gave Sam a sidelong glance. "I know I never told you I like Star Wars. You're a lucky guesser." He fiddled with the corner of the box as his eyes fell. "I know what you're trying to do... Give me something I like to do so I won't be as depressed and all that... be my friend... pretend I have something to live for."

He sighed. "In reality... my future means little to anyone. Which isn't surprising. Ya know, I've had an awful lot of time to think in here." A little scoff surfaced. "And I know everything I've ever worked for... all my life... now it means absolutely nothing. So a few Legos... Isn't going to fix a thing."

Adjusting his weight, he pulled himself up, gritting his teeth as his knee objected. Limping the few feet to the small table in the corner, he sat in the chair and set the Star Wars Lego set down. "But... since you're so determined to make sure I don't wallow... You're gonna help me build the Death Star."

Hunter tightened his grip on Ryan as she returned his affection. It was the same exchange of feelings as had been that day on horseback, and in spite of Hunter's doubts about the future, he was going to enjoy this. Completely forgetting where they were, he tilted his head the other way and continued kissing her with passion.

Eli chuckled softly and was about to interrupt the two, but then changed his mind. His sister didn't deserve the teasing. Not when she was so happy. They did want to watch a movie though.

Coming into the living room, he coughed and spoke loudly to Scarlet. "So... what movie are we going to watch?"

Hunter was yanked from his thoughts and slowly ended his kiss, pulling back a little to see Ryan's face as he smiled. Neither one would know how badly they'd been caught. He brushed a strand of hair out of her face, still smiling. "You gonna keep me awake o watch the movie?" he teased.

Big Brother

Watching Hal leave Sam let out a sigh taking another slow sip of her coffee. She really hadn't meant to upset anyone. Letting out a long sigh Sam sat up and started on her report about the progress she was making with Aaron.

It didn't take long for Sam to finish her report and lay it on Kirk's desk. Plastic bag in hand she headed to the room where Alec was. Entering the room Sam smiled. Seeing Aaron on the floor didn't really faze her much. Maybe he just found it more comfortable. 

   "Good Morning."

Coming over she sat down next to him and held out the bag. There were three different lego sets, one was of the Death Star, one was a car and the other was just something simple. She knew he would more than likely change them into something else, but see had to admit she was excited to see what he would make.

   "I figured you were getting bored with the other ones by now."

Being pulled into Hunter's lap Ryan gave a little laugh as she put her arms around his neck. This was a little more comfortable than squeezing in next to each other. Even if they had this is how they more than likely would have ended up this way so they might as well just start out with no hassle involved. 

   "I do like this better."

Hearing Hunter's words and being pulled into him Ryan's heartbeat went faster as she prepared for the kiss she had been waiting all night for. As Hunter's lips pressed against her a small memer escaped showing she approved. Just returning the kiss with passion time slipped away. It was just her and Hunter in this moment that seemed long overdue.

Stopping in the doorway with Eli Scarlet just blinked at Hunter and Ryan. It not like she had never seen two people kiss before it was just surprising to see them there. At the same time though it was kind of cute.

Leaning into Eli Scarlet laughed for a second before looking up at him her eyes twinkled.

   "That's horribly mean, but definitely a big brother move."

Can't Take It

Hal glanced over his shoulder at Sam, and felt badly. He didn't mean to make her feel bad too, he just didn't like the thought of her being alone with Aaron when no one else was around. If anything happened... 

He eyed the bag from the toy store and knew she'd brought something else for Aaron. He didn't mind that, and actually thought it was a pretty clever way of giving Aaron something to do. 

He let the whole matter drop for now. "I'll be back in a bit," he mentioned more calmly, and took his paperwork with him as he left the office...

"...I just don't think she should be Aaron's handler."

Reese sighed at Hal. "Why? What happened?"

"Aaron needs a firm hand in case he pulls something."

Reese shook his head. "I'm sorry, but the FBI wants one of theirs to be his handler, Kirk picked Sam, end of story. Are you two not getting along? We can find somewhere other than the security room for her to land."

Hal's arms were folded across his chest as he stood in Reese's office, and his eyes dropped. "No... we're fine, I just..."

"You just what?"

"Nothing." Hal pursed his lips. "I guess maybe I overstepped my bounds." He turned and wandered out to the main floor, still feeling unsettled.

Aaron sat on the floor of the bedroom. There really was no reason, other than he was tired of sitting in bed all day. His one knee was up while his bad leg was stretched out. He tossed the magazine he'd been reading to the side and glanced up at the nightstand where the legos still were, still untouched for days. He wanted to go back outside. He wanted fresh air again. He hated it in this room. 

He eyed the door. He knew it was still unlocked, but he'd only left once earlier this morning to use the restroom and brush his teeth. He could have wandered the building but... he just didn't feel like it.

"Mm... there's a third option..." Hunter grabbed Ryan's hand and led her to the chair. After sitting down, he pulled her sideways into his lap so her legs could hang over the armrest. "See? No squishing involved."

He slid his arms around her waist. "At least not unintentionally." A sly grin emerged and he brought a hand up to the back of her head to being her face closer to his. "I can't take it any longer," he whispered. Closing the gap, he finally kissed her lips. He gave her several gentle kisses before letting it linger and deepen. Forgetting they weren't alone, he ran his fingers through her hair and just let it last as long as she'd let it.

In the kitchen, Eli smiled. "Yeah... she seems happy. And you're right... It's different. Not sure if it's just the new Ryan with all she's been through, or if Hunter just brings something out of her that other guys haven't." He shrugged. "I dunno. I'm just glad she smiling and laughing at all. I thought I might never see that spark again."

He rested his forehead against hers and sighed before giving her lips another kiss and smiling again. "Let's go see what kind of movie we got to watch." Keeping his arm around her shoulders, he walked with her to the living room, but stopped in the doorway. Seeing Hunter and Ryan, he rolled his eyes and lowered his voice to a whisper. "I say we sneak up on them."


Just watching Hal Sam could see how upset he was getting and she felt bad. She hated making people upset or disappointed in her. Maybe it started at a young age when her parents wanted another boy but were stuck with a girl. She carried that around all her life. Living up to expectations was hard and tiring at the same time and she'd always done it.

   "Maybe you are right."

Maybe in this situation, she was defeated and Hal had a point. Maybe he was right even if she didn't think he was. Letting out a long sigh and running a hand over her face Sam leaned forward on the desk.

   "Sorry, I upset you. I'll be going to see Aaron in a little bit. I..have a report I need to get done beforehand."

Following Hunter into the living room Ryan flicked Hunter in the back before smiling. He's been a goof at dinner but maybe she'd let him have this win just this once. She didn't want to beat him all the time after all. 

   "So we have two options, you can sit in that chair alone and I can sit on the floor in font of you, or we could both try and squish into the chair."

Scarlet laughed as Eli kissed her neck and she brought her arms around him. Pulling away and smiling Scarlet leaned in and kissed Eli's lips before retreating once again.

   "It has been a good evening. It's good to see Ryan's smile again. Its different though. I cant put my finger on it, but it is."


Taking another sip of coffee and hearing Hal's words Sam just looked at him for a long moment. He said he was happy she made progress, then he was made, she was meant to be working with Aaron, doing what she thought would help but now she was getting talked to about it. In a way she was a little confused. 

    "I had everything under control if he tried anything. I had a gun on me, and I can defend myself pretty well."

Swiveling in her chair back and forth Sam tried to stay calm even though on the inside she was pretty upset. She wasn't sure where this was coming from with Hal, or why. This was her job, why she was here. She was to handle things how she saw fit. 

   "I'm not a baby, Ty doesn't need to call you every time I am here. For some odd reason, Aaron respects me, and it's for that fact he won't hurt him. Though I still do give my guard up around him. I was just doing my job, and that was to try and pull him out of depression at the moment."

Scarlet laughed befoe leaning into Hunter just a little bit and elbowing him. She thought this whole thing was rather funny even if she was jokingly agitated. It was nice to see Ryan laughing, and happy.

   "How old are they again?"

Seeing Hunter start to laugh Ryan couldn't help it as some chuckles came from her own mouth. Her laughter grew and grew no matter how she tried to contain it. This whole dinner had been rather silly now, quiet different than normal.

   "Me....Me...I....Ok maybe a little bit but but but...you started it."

It Was Her

Eli's eyes went wide and he looked at Ryan, Hunter, Scarlet, then back again. What on earth was their problem? 

Hunter had both elbows on the table, fork loosely held in one hand near his mouth as his face reddened from desperately trying not to laugh. He couldn't even look at Ryan, lest he burst. His eyes started to water as he stared at his steak. 

Eli smirked at Scarlet's comment. "Oh I'll call pest control all right..." His eyes narrowed in on Hunter. "I think I know right where the pest is, too."

Hunter couldn't hold it in any longer. Thankfully his mouth was empty of food as he started to silently laugh. His eyes scrunched together and his shoulders shook. Without looking, he reached beside him and gave Ryan's shoulder a shove. "It wasn't me," he managed, gasping. "It was her."

Hearing how well the evening with Aaron had gone, Hal was glad... he really was. He couldn't help his irritation though. Holding his tongue for a long moment, he slipped his coffee slowly to keep from losing his temper. "Sounds like you've made real progress with him," he finally responded. He took another sip of coffee.

"Glad nothing went wrong..." His eyes were on his desk until he swiveled in his chair to look at her. His expression wasn't a happy one. "Would probably have been smart to tell someone what you were doing." He tried to keep his tone even. "You realize you not only risked your own safety, but the entire rehab program, and Aaron's future, right? All you needed to do was have someone nearby just in case Aaron tried to pull something." He shook his head. "I'm honestly surprised. Do I need to tell Ty to call me if you come in at night?"

February 23, 2017


Hal leaned back in his chair and sighed as he played through last night's footage. He pushed up the arms of this long-sleeved t-shirt, and watched the confirmation of what Ty had just told him. 

As the door opened, he looked up quickly. A little smile tugged at his mouth, though he wasn't as happy as most mornings. He straightened and was about to charge right into a stern reprimand for Sam's antics last night, but stopped as she gave him coffee. She just had to go and do that, didn't she? He sighed again and took a sip, nodding his appreciation. "Thanks..."

He swiveled in his chair and rethought what he was going to say. "So um... how'd things go last night?"

"Oh sure. I stay safe...ish..." Hunter grimaced just a little. He was a good driver, but he did take a lot of risks. He'd never really given it much thought though.

Ryan's compliment brought some color to his cheeks. "Yeah well... one of these days I won't be at the top of my game anymore and I really will have to find a real job." 

Feeling her hand on his leg, he accidentally flinched and dropped his fork on his plate with a clang as the color in his face grew deeper.

Eli arched an eyebrow and looked between them. Hunter had almost choked and Ryan was trying not to smile. What was going on? On second thought...he decided he was better off not wondering. "Real job? Like sniffing paint?"

Hunter laughed. "Not sure I'm cut out for that one." Under the table, he caught Ryan's hand between their legs and tried to trap it there.