October 26, 2016


Laura giggled and shook her head. "There's nothing amazing about a little bit of beef and some vegetables...but I'll take the compliment." She stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "You can take your shoes off. I've got everything I need." 

It took a few minutes for Garret to realize Maggie had fallen asleep. He was tempted to wake her - after all, someone might not think too kindly of her being asleep in his bed, and the last thing he wanted was more trouble. Looking down at her peaceful form though, he just didn't have the heart. She'd obviously had a long day, and he knew what that felt like. 

After making sure the pickle jar's lid was on tight, he grabbed his pillow to put it behind himself and remained propped up against the wall, just letting Maggie stay tucked under his arm. Eventually his own emotional exhaustion took over again, forcing him to drift off as well...

...Laura stepped into the bedroom cautiously, seeing Garret and Maggie still asleep. She'd been back and forth a couple times already, glad that Maggie had found some comfort after her hard day...and glad that Garret seemed a little more peaceful for the moment. Now though, it was suppertime, but she hesitated to wake them. Not because she didn't want to disturb them, but with Garret's arm already around Maggie, she feared startling him. What if he reacted? Taking a deep breath, she knew she had to trust him. 

"Garret?" she prompted softly. "Garret...are you awake?" 

Garret gave a little lurch, but as soon as he felt Maggie next to him, he instantly remembered it was just her, and relaxed. Blinking sleepily, he finally found Laura and half nodded.

Laura grinned. The poor man looked so tired. "Would you mind waking Maggie up and telling her to  come eat? You're welcome to come too, if you'd like." 

Garret just nodded again as Laura left, then yawned, looking down at the sleeping bundle. At least she was warm. "Hey...Mags..." He shook her just a little. "You better get up so you can go to supper. Come on." 

Kirk just nodded and didn't say any more. Sapphire had given him time to say what he wanted and that's all he could ask for. He knew that gaining back trust was not going to be easy. And now...another hard subject to talk to. 

Leaving the cubicle, he aimed for the hall, catching several leery glances. He'd done a good job at getting a bad reputation, for sure. Arriving at the infirmary, he noted Rick wasn't there yet, but Misty was. Again, no surprise - she was one of the least likely to slough off. 

Approaching just a bit cautiously, he kept his hands out in a gesture of peace. "Good morning, Misty." He wasn't going to ask permission to stay - she probably would tell him to beat it - so he'd just get straight to the point. "Had something to say, and I'll make it fast. I know you're busy." He stopped at her desk and looked down at her with a much milder expression than the day he'd interrogated her about Carson. "I just want you to know that despite my previous comments about you and your relationship with Carson, I respect you a lot. Coming here after your time in the Agency to fight on the other side, and being willing to stand by your husband even when he's faltered...that takes guts. I can see why you're on this team."

He paused, recalling his little encounter with Carson, and he wondered if Misty even knew about that. "I have my reservations about Carson and his stubbornness to always do things on his own - but I never intended to upset you, and for that, I'm sorry." He pursed his lips and nodded thoughtfully. "Your loyalty - along with everyone else's around here - impresses me. I pushed to find out what kind of an agent you are and...I did. I know you probably don't trust me, but I hope one day you can. Because I'd trust you with my life." 

He nodded again, finished with what he had to say, but willing to stay if need be. "I'll leave you to your work unless you have any questions."

Being in a bit of a rush couldn't dampen Jason's mood. Finally it felt like something was going in the right direction. He knew this didn't just automatically make things perfect - he and Katie both had a lot to work on - but it was a start...and a good one. 

It didn't take long to get to his own place where he showered quickly, changed clothes and took care of Trooper. Back outside on the porch and locking up, he just grinned at Katie. "Feels like old times, doesn't it?" How many times had they left here together, just like this? On a mission, or maybe having just fallen asleep on the couch. There were plenty of people who would assume far too much about his relationship with Katie, but they could just live in ignorance. Jason knew what they had was unique...and he never wanted to let it go again. 

Finished locking the front door, he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. "Guess we should probably get our butts in to work before Wyatt has a fit." 

Two blocks down in the residential area, the sun reflected off a rifle scope.