October 27, 2016

Three things

Rick gave Katie a slight nod. "Watch him close. He doesn't always respond well to sedation so if he starts to wake up or become more aware, let me know. I don't want to use any more sedatives than I have to, but we can't have him moving either." 

He turned to Misty. "I'm gonna start digging these out. I wanna see if we can come up with what looks like a full bullet, then I'll have you take a second look to make sure we got them all out."

It took a while, but Rick worked as well and swiftly as he could until he was satisfied they'd gotten everything with Misty's assistance. Finishing the job and stitching up the wound was the easy part, and in the end, Jason was resting much more peacefully and everything was cleaned up. Standing back by the sink, Rick shook his head at Misty. "This has got to stop. He's gonna look like Swiss cheese pretty soon if we don't find the shooter and put an end to it." 

In bed, Jason's eyes fluttered several times before he finally managed to keep them halfway open. He felt lethargic and nauseous from the meds - he hated feeling the lack of energy and inability to move quickly, let alone think. Licking his dry lips, he turned his head a little to see Katie, still feeling her hand in his. Had she ever even let it go this whole time? 

He wriggled his fingers a little. "Hey, Hero," he greeted hoarsely. "What'd I miss?" 

Reese was just getting ready to go in his office when he spotted Nate arrive to work. Just the man he wanted to see. The morning had barely begun and already things were chaotic. When it rained it poured - he'd seen Kirk hanging around too, and though not knowing why, it was unsettling. Why did all the bad days have to happen when the agent was present? 

Pushing aside those thoughts, Reese aimed for Nate's cubicle. "Hey. Two things. Well, three, actually." He didn't even give Nate time for a greeting. "One, Jason got shot again this morning. Not life-threatening, but the worst of the three so far. Two, how's Garret doing? And three, do you think he would be able to help with any of this - the Agency seems to have taken a weird route with this and unless we do something, Jason's gonna be full of holes by the time this is over."

Chance grew quiet for a moment, thinking about what Destiny said...what she'd been through...what they'd both been through. "Sometimes I wonder if going through the Elite is really the way to fight the Agency." He shrugged and nibbled at a green bean. "Just seems like the passive route doesn't do much good in the long run." 

He forced a smile. "This conversation has gone way downhill. We're supposed to be having fun. So." He stabbed another bean with his fork. "What are we gonna do after dinner?" One of his eyebrows quirked and he gave her a sly look.