October 27, 2016


Even though it didn't show on Garret's face, he was surprised to see Nate. Hadn't he left for work not all that long ago? His eyes remained glued to the wall, giving Nate no indication he was even listening. He was though.

There was a long pause after Nate was done. Most would assume Garret wasn't going to respond at all. Finally though, his eyes shifted up to see Nate's face. Why should he help? The Elite just wanted to use and abuse him - they were no better than the Agency. Deep down though, he knew that wasn't true.

He leaned his head back on the wall and sighed. "Sounds like Jason's got himself a babysitter...and I'm not talking about the nurturing kind." He glanced at Nate again. "The Agency has a lot of buffoons working for them, but when a sniper is sent out after a specific target, you better believe they don't miss. So the fact that Jason isn't dead tells me he's getting shot in non-vital areas on purpose. His leg. Arm. Shoulder." He shrugged. "If I had to guess, I'd say Medridge has targeted Jason just to toy with him. Most likely the sniper's job is to continue wounding Jason until he's so scared he'll quit the Elite or go mad."

Garret fell quiet again for a few moments. He really didn't want to get involved. He didn't trust the Elite, they didn't trust him...so why was he even trying? He eventually continued though. "I might be wrong. But if that's what's really going on, your only option is to take out the sniper. He won't stop. And you're not gonna like this, but probably the only way to catch him is bait, and the only bait he's interested in is Jason."

He knew exactly what he'd do in this situation, but Reese didn't like his methods, so what was the point? He just shrugged again and resumed his stare at the wall. "That's all I've got."

"Mm..." Jason shook his head just a little. "This certainly wasn't what I had in mind." Though drowsy from the drugs, he was lucid enough to see the worry in Katie's eyes, and he didn't like it.

Lifting his hand, his palm cradled her face. "Hey... I've been through worse. And besides..." His thumb caressed her cheek. "Your eagle eyes probably saved my life." He grinned a sleepy grin. "So see? Nothing we can't handle."

Chance chuckled and nodded. "Sounds like a right good plan to me." He finished off his beans and sighed with content. "I gotta admit... There were things I liked about California but... without you there, it was awfully boring." 

It wasn't too much longer before their meal was over. And after a quick stop at the store, it was back to Destiny's place. Once inside, Chance slipped off his shoes and shed his jacket, trying to hide his yawn. There was no way he was going to waste this evening sleeping. 

Letting Destiny pick a movie to put in, he wandered nearer the couch where she now sat, and rustled the bag of candy in his hand. Looking down at her though, he glanced between her and the candy, then back again. A silly grin emerged. "To heck with this..." He tossed the bag on the table, and instead of simply sitting down, he pounced. Knocking Destiny onto her back, he trapped her under his weight and started kissing her neck, up to her cheek and finally to her lips. He had to break away though when he laughed, and drew back just a little to see her eyes. His own twinkled in the dim light coming from the television. "Candy can wait," he teased. "Unless I'm not sweet enough for you."