October 25, 2016


Having Maggie cuddle into him wasn't quite as surprising as it had been the first time, although it still felt a little strange. On the other hand...there was something about it Garret enjoyed - and though he couldn't pinpoint it, he didn't fight it. He was too emotionally spent to fight it anyway. Just letting her drape his arm around her, he didn't pull away.

Listening to her talk, he paused his chewing for a moment, and bristled. "Those kids just better be glad I wasn't on the bus with them," he muttered. "They're just mean because they're idiots." 

At Maggie's question, he took another bite of pickle so he wouldn't have to answer right away. Even when he'd finished it though, he was still quiet for a few extra moments. "I...had a bad day because someone was mean to me, too." He reached over and took another pickle. At least the tears had stopped for now. "But it was a long time ago." 

Not wishing to discuss it, he redirected the conversation back to Maggie. "You should write another story at home so those jerks won't get a hold of it."

Laura slipped her arm around Nate's waist, smiling as she nodded. "Yes, she does. I think she's more human than any of us are." 

Sighing, she glanced up at her husband, just taking in his features, still so in love with him. "I'm thinking beef and vegetable soup for supper. How's that strike you?" 

Jason smiled as Katie joined them in the kitchen, returning her hug. "Good morning, Hero." Hearing her request for Ryder, he smiled a little more before kissing the top of her head. More than likely, he'd be around here a bit now. It went without saying. 

"Orange juice and...fruit." Ryder scribbled on the grocery list that was on the refrigerator. He was the only one who could read his writing, but he didn't really care. "Got it." He tossed the pencil aside and poured himself the half cup of coffee that had run through in the last couple minutes. Downing the hot liquid, he put the mug in the sink before grabbing his keys. "I gotta run. We got a new croc coming in today and I don't wanna miss 'er. Need anything else from the store, text Thirteen. I'm making her use her new phone til she figures it out." He tossed Katie a wink before waving on his way out the door. 

Jason grinned as Ryder left, then shook his head. He hadn't seen him in quite a while since he hadn't been around the Elite at all. He'd forgotten how strong his Australian accent still was. "Alrighty then..." He looked down at Katie and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the lips. "There's my proper good morning," he mentioned softly. "Do we really have to go to work today?"

Kirk got out of his car and sighed as he looked at the Elite entrance. He hadn't even been downtown yet, deciding to tackle this first. It was early yet but he knew most of the staff would be here already, and...as much as he didn't like this, it was a good thing. 

Finally getting up enough gumption, he went inside. He was different today - on the outside. Instead of his business clothes, he was more casual in jeans and a tucked-in t-shirt, and his hair was only half pulled back. He was void of his briefcase today as well - he had no investigative agendas where paperwork was needed. Today he was here just to talk. 

Passing by several cubicles, his eyes landed on Sapphire's space. No surprise she was already here - she was a hard worker, dedicated to her job. He stopped and paused in the doorway before knocking. "Sapphire, hi, good morning. Would you spare just a couple minutes?" He knew good and well she was not going to respond well, but if he was ever going to rebuild trust, he needed to start now. "I just want to talk."