October 30, 2016


Kirk nodded slowly as he listened. He was curious about Ron's case but knew better than to ask too many questions. "For as quiet as things seem to be in this area, we got an awful lot of law enforcement. Police, FBI, Elite. Worst part is keeping track of jurisdiction and who's supposed to be in charge of what cases. It can get crazy."

He thought for a moment about his and Adison's future with the Elite. The lines were going to get even blurrier. But enough about work.

Kirk did his best to keep up with small talk, and they all got to laughing at least a couple times over old stories from the academy. Despite his unexplained uneasiness, it really wasn't a bad night, all in all. It was starting to get late though, and as much as Kirk wouldn't mind staying up late, he knew he had a lot of headaches waiting for him tomorrow. 

A little yawn and glance to Adison and he knew she'd take his hint. He was too polite to end the evening himself. 

"Well," he suggested to Ron. "I stink at pool as bad as I always have, but if you wanna get together again before you leave town, hit me up."

Jason had little choice but just to stay where he was for now. He hurt all over and being so tense had made his shoulder hurt even more than it had been.

It took a while before he was ready to sit up, and lean back against the wall. He felt nauseous like he always did after a bad episode but tried to keep everything down, and at leat accepted the orange juice Katie gave him. Right now he knew it was probably low sugar that was making him dizzy and making his hands shake.

Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply. "Sorry," he apologized quietly. "It just.  Came out of nowhere." He swallowed hard. It was always scary. "Next time, I'll try to fall to pieces close to a couch or something."

He did manage a little grin, doung his best to keep a sense of humor. He felt like crap though, and all he wanted was to go home and to his own bed.

"How about we get you to the spare room there?"

Jason looked up in surprise, not having even realized Hal was anywhere close. "I'll be fine in my office," he assured.

"Yeah, well..." Hal looked to Katie and gave her a little smirk. He knew she'd agree the bed was the best place for him. He was also glad he was there to help get Jason to his feet. As it was, Jason struggled to stand, and had to put most of hs weight on Hal as his legs weren't quite ready to work again yet.

Within a few minutes, Jason was lying on his back on the bed and Hal had gone back to work, agreeing not to call Rick, even though he'd suggested it.

Jason felt absolutely miserable. Why was all this happening at once? It had to be related to his stress...right? There was no other explanation. There had been something different this time, though. It had felt...strange. Stranger than it had in the past. He looked dimly to Katie. "I spoiled our evening..."