October 30, 2016

Over the edge

Kirk couldn't stand Todd. He'd never been able to. What he had always been able to do was ignore him. 

Until now.

Todd's comment sent Kirk over the edge, and without even thinking, he reacted. Grabbing Todd's shoulder before he got too far, Kirk spun him around. And granting no time to defend himself, Kirk's fist met his mouth. Hard. 

Sending Todd sprawling backward, he simply turned on his heel and walked right back for the door. His desk work could wait. He was too worked up to sit now anyway. 

Passing Adison right outside the door, he didn't even say one word, but just kept on walking. So much for a good start to the day.

Rick leaned back against the counter and folded his arms, mulling over Misty's question. "I've considered it," he admitted. "To tell you the truth, I was never quite convinced that it was gone forever in the first place. But... Evidence proves otherwise, and there was no point in worrying anyone."

Wandering closer to her desk, he sighed. "Thing is... We finally figured out that Jason's episodes weren't typical flashbacks. I mean... they're more than that. Always have been. We determined that had to do with the foreign element. Otherwise he might be disoriented and upset, but he wouldn't black out and have symptoms not unlike a seizure... that's way more than a flashback."

He paused as he mentally put the pieces together. "So...if Jason just had an episode last night then...I can't help but wonder. Yet his blood work shows no evidence of it..." He searched Misty's face. "Unless it's just so small we can't see it yet. I don't know if I can worry Jason with this though. He'll be beyond upset if he thinks all this is coming back."