October 28, 2016


"Eh. I'll have plenty time to rest when I'm dead." Jason aimed for his office, still limping from his leg wound, and now dealing with more pain in his shoulder than he'd like to admit. "Rick worries too much. So does everyone else." 

Getting to his office, he slouched down in his desk chair and sighed. "Oh, and in case you talk to anyone at the ranch... my mom doesn't know anything about my little sniper shadow, and I'd like to keep it that way. She worries too much the way it is." 

In spite of his confident, almost-cocky air, his eyes remained down at his desk. What was happening...this whole thing...it was getting to him, and he didn't like it. 

"Hey." Reese greeted Nate, and motioned for him to follow him as he kept walking. "Meeting room. Come with me."

Once there, he looked at Nate with seriousness. "We need to end this shooter business, and fast. I know we got a lot going on, but I want all available eyes on this. If it takes getting back to basics and going door-to-door to find out if anybody has seen anything strange or was a witness, so be it. I want you, Wyatt, Gunner, and Pete. Pair up if you need to - grab Sapphire and Jamie too. Dalton if you have to - I wouldn't recommend Scott or Misty at this point, and I want Katie here to sit on Jason and make sure he doesn't move." 

He took a deep breath and nodded. "I gotta go appease Kirk in any way possible to keep him out of the way. Take any vehicles you need, and make sure everyone is armed. I want at least one lead by tonight, even if it's a small one. While you're out, I gotta convince Jason to stay here until this is over."

Kirk smiled a little. Adison always knew what to say. 
Youre right. Thanks. You know me.
Impatient. I know I had to be rough
but nobody trusts me now.
Dont know how to tell Reese
he's gonna hafta work with me now.

It was late. The movie had been long over - none of it had even been seen at all. Chance was still wrapped up with Destiny on the couch after both of them had fallen asleep. To be here, like this, it was a little slice of heaven and couldn't feel more right. This...this was living. 

A soft buzzing alerted him and he listened until he heard it again. It was his phone vibrating from his jacket pocket on a nearby chair. Then he realized the time. Ever so carefully, he untangled himself from Destiny, letting her settle in on the couch, and spread the blanket over her. Making sure she was still asleep, he padded over to his jacket and grabbed his phone before quietly slipping through the house and out onto the back porch. 

He'd missed the call, and had to dial back, then waited for an answer. "Yeah?" He kept his voice down as he paced the porch. "I told you to give me a few days, didn't I? Look, I just got back. Give a guy a break, would you?" He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I was actually asleep, thank you." He listened a sighed. "Sure. Yeah I can see what's up. I go in tomorrow and I'll let you know.... Okay.... bye." 

Ending the call, he slipped the phone into his back pocket and stifled a yawn. He definitely wanted to go right back where he was, but then he'd end up spending the night and maybe that wasn't such a good idea.