October 25, 2016


Feeling Adison's teeth, Kirk let out a yelp and fell and rolled to the side so he ended up on his back with his legs still sprawled across her lap. "Was that your teeth? It was! I can't believe you bit me!"

He moved one foot to wriggle his toes around her ribs and tickle her. "That's not fighting fair!" He couldn't help his grin though. She never ceased to surprise him, but it was always a good surprise. He might not say so, but he loved how she was never afraid to just be herself...and let him just be himself too. They'd always made such a good team.

Grabbing a throw pillow, he threw it at her for good measure. "Dishes are yours - punishment for biting me."

Looking up from his desk and seeing Katie, Jason smiled. "Hey, what's up?" Hearing about the change in plans, he cringed a little. "Sorry.... I wish this whole thing would blow over so it would stop messing with people's schedules. To be honest, I'd rather go solo but Reese won't hear of it." 

He sighed, knowing good and well Katie didn't mind. He just felt bad. "Most of my work's done for the day so..." He shrugged. "Got supper plans? We can go to your place, my place, out... Might as well make it enjoyable." A grin emerged. "And since you're the one being put out, you get to pick." He hoped she really didn't mind. He didn't want things to be weird after their recent conversation, no matter what she decided about him and her.

Chance followed Destiny inside, tucking his keys in his pocket. He always felt good here, and didn't like it when he had to be gone so long. Of course, that might be changing, depending in the whole FBI situation.

"So..." He meandered to the kitchen with her. "Wanna go out? I'm all yours tonight." He moved up behind her at the sink and leaned his head over her shoulder to kiss her neck. "I don't think I could've survived one more day without you, ya know."