October 30, 2016


Was Kirk really acting uncomfortable? He gave Adison a confused look. Maybe he did feel a little om edge with Ron here, but otherwise, he felt...just fine. He opened his mouth to answer, but not having a chance, he just gave her a shrug and a crooked smile instead.

Accepting the new beer, he nodded his thanks and flipped it open, starting on that before grabbing a slice of pizza since all he'd had so far was a few wings.

Ron's question threw him for a bigger loop than it should have, and he took extra time to chew before attempting an answer. His eyes intentionally avoided looking at Adison, whether he realized it or not.

"Oh, you know how it is in our line of work. No time for anything serious, not to mention, the distraction alone could get a guy killed." He took another swig of beer. Was that the start of a slight buzz? It really had been a while since he'd had anything more than soda. 

"So, uh, where you staying at while you're in town?"

Feeling Katie's hand and hearing her voice, Jason realized where he was again, and tried to relax. It wasn't easy though, as his pulse continued to race.

"Sorry," he apologized softly. "Just...bad dream." He sat up a little straighter and winced, his shoulder still throbbing. He'd had worse nightmares. Far worse. But it had been so long since he'd had one about Alex, that that alone was unnerving.

Closing his eyes again, he leaned his head back against the wall. No more... just no more. Rarely did these dreams come one at a time. But as long as he could avoid any major flashbacks, he could tolerate it.

"I don't wanna go back to sleep," he almost whimpered. "Don't let me sleep again yet..."