October 25, 2016


As Jason comes in and takes the glass from her Katie can feel her heart start to race. She'd hoped Jason would make the first move and now that it was clear he was she felt all nervous . She'd never felt like this before but when I came to Jason she couldn't help it.

Bringing her hand around Jason's back Katie rubbed it gently as her other hand went up Jason's back, and neck finding her hair and combing it gently. Feeling Jason's kiss Katie accepted it. As he drew away she just looked up into his eyes. Oh how she missed him, how his kiss was water to her parched soul. His soft voice music to her hears. 

   "We don't have to worry about a movie yet. I missed you J...more than I even admitted to myself."

Leaning back in Katie pressed her lips to Jason's just letting him know how much she really had missed him. Though she had kissed other people before with Jason, connection or not it would always be different, always feel different.

Pulling her head back a little Katie kissed his nose smiling, before going back in for more. Her hand still rubbing his back, her other playing with his hair.  It was almost like a dream.

Aidson couldn't help but laugh at Kirk and his comment. It was the truth, the poor couch was litterly falling apart but she hoped he would never get rid of it even when  new couch came and Mrs. Tindelmire bless her heart, but she needed to learn not to assume. 

   "Never a dull moment."

Getting her shoes on and getting to the door Adison stopped and turn looking at Kirk for a long moment. Just looking at him for a long moment Adison couldn't help but take note to how cute he really was standing there. It almost looked like he was begging for her to kiss him, but that was silly right. Eh...she'd embarrassed herself enough tonight falling alseep on him was was a little more. Stepping forward and placing a hand on his chest Adison leans in to give him a soft kiss on the chest. Drawing back and looking up at him she smiled. 

   "Thank you for being wonderful. I'll see you tomorrow."

Pulling the rest of the way away Adison's cheeks turned red as she turned and started to walk away.