October 25, 2016


Watching as Kirk entered Sapphire just eyed him. What on earth did he want if he didn't want to ask her questions. Didn't he learn from the last time? Hearing that Kirk respected her threw Sapphire for a loop. What was he playing at now? If he was doing good cop bad cop he got it all wrong. She didn't need his respect or want it at this point. He'd done a fine job of hurting a lot of people weather it was his job or not.

As Kirk rubbing his face Sapphire couldn't help but chuckle a little. She had slapped him pretty hard without even meaning too. It was just a reaction she had, and though she did feel a little bad she would never let on. In her eyes Kirk did deserve it.

   "Thank you for your apologies, but this dosnt mean I trust you. Not yet anyways."

Turning back to her paper work her continued to write. Maybe one day she could trust him but right now she couldn't. Not till he really did prove he was there for a good reason, to help them.

    "I don't have any other questions."

   "I think going to the ranch soon sounds like a good plan. They would be happy to see us."

Returning the kiss Kaite just soaked up the moment. A trip to the lake sounded like an amazing plan too. Just her and Jason never sounded better to her. Not knowing how long they stood there Jason's buzzing phone startled her and she couldn't help but laugh. Realizing it was Wyatt her eyes widened as she laughed again with a guilty look on her face. 

   "Oops...think he'll forgive us since we have a good reason?"

It didn't take Katie long before she was ready to go for the day. Sunglasses on her head, and coffee in hand, she walked to her car hand in hand with Jason. Giving him a quick kiss before heading over to the driver side and getting in. Today was going to be a good day, she could feel it. Wish Jason by her side again...how could it not be.

   "I'll try and rewrite it than...just for you."

Bitting her pickle again and finishing it off Maggie just sat there with Garret longer. She'd had a long day full of emotions and before Maggie even new it she was asleep tucked under Garret's arm still. It wouldn't be till dinner she woke. 

Looking down at Laura Nate smiled. He lover her cooking, no matter what it was he always liked it.

   "That sounds amazing. Do you need me to run to the store or anything before I take my shoes off?"