October 25, 2016


Kirk was just ready to close the door when Adison surprised him with her return. He really didn't know how to react as she leaned up and kissed his cheek, though he could feel his eyes widen on accident. He blinked as she walked down the hall towards the exit, and lifted his hand to touch where her lips had just been. She thought he was wonderful? For...letting her be comfortable without expecting more? Or...something else? "You're wonderful too," he whispered.

"Young man, get some clothes on!"

Kirk spun around to see Mrs. Trindelmire poking her head out her door...again. Her glasses were halfway down her nose, and her gray hair up in curlers. He looked down at himself quickly. He had shorts and a t-shirt on. "I do!" he retorted. 

Her eyes narrowed. "If you had on something decent, you could go after her, you know."

"Go after...wait... what?"

She smirked at him. "Are all you FBI men so slow on the uptake?"

Kirk's mouth hung open. "But I-" Her door closed, cutting off his sentence. Not that he knew what to say anyway. He looked quickly back the other way to find the hall empty. Slow on the uptake? But Adison didnt want anything else. And then there was their jobs. They'd always put their jobs first - anything more than friendship always interfered and neither wanted that. 

As he closed and locked his door though, he had a different kind of feeling than normal when Adison would leave. He felt...a hole. An empty hole that he'd never noticed before. And it was a rather lonely one. One he didn't like. One that he shouldn't have.

Sighing, he turned off the tv and went to bed. Enough thoughts for one evening...he needed to get his mind back in the game before tomorrow. 

With Katie's acceptance - and return - of affection, Jason let his kiss grow more passionate. Her fingers at the nape of his neck sent tingles down his spine...like it always had. It didnt matter who else he'd ever kissed... Katie was always different...always special. 

Tightening his arms around her, he turned his head and returned again, not caring how long they just stood in the kitchen. Soon though, he drew away just far enough to smile. Not saying anything, he gave no warning before sweeping her up in his arms. Carrying her to the living room, he eased down on the couch, setting Katie sideways in his lap. With one arm still tucked around her, his free hand came up to brush her hair aside before resting his forehead against hers. "I love you, Katie Pent." His voice was soft and low. "And I never want to lose you again."

Moving his lips to hers again, he started out slow, then deepend his kiss, just letting it prove his feelings.

"Garret?" Laura pushed open the bedroom door and cautiously peeked in. The curtains were drawn again. She kept opening them, just to find them shut. Every day it was the same - dark and quiet. Too quiet.

Garret sat in the corner of the bed, leaned back against the wall, one knee up as an armrest. If Laura didn't know any better, she'd think he hadn't moved an inch the last two days. He was sitting up - that was an improvement. But it was the only one. Next to him was Maggie's bunny - he apparently didn't mind the stuffed animal's company but he still hadn't spoken one word to anyone.

"I'm making sandwiches for lunch," she offered. "Do you want one?"

No response. Laura sighed and came in to pick up the empty water glass. At least he was still drinking. But she could tell just by looking at him that he was starting to lose weight. No surprise since he hadn't been eating. She waited a moment, but he wouldn't even look at her. All he would do was stare blankly at the wall. Finally, she just turned to leave, shutting the door quietly.

Alone again, Garret blinked and looked to the door. Then he glanced to the nightstand where there were now several pictures from Maggie. He knew she'd sat with him many hours, but he honestly didn't remember much about the last handful of days. And...he rest didn't care either.

Back in the kitchen, Laura came to the table where Nate sat, home for lunch. "I don't like it." She set the glass in the sink and turned to lean back against the counter crossing her arms. "It's been almost a week. He still hasn't said one word, and he hasn't eaten a single bite of food. Now I know a body can go a while just on water, but I'm getting worried."

Her eyes proved just how concerned she was. "I don't know what else to do." She bit her lip, knowing what she wanted to say next might not go over well. "I think we should call Justin. I know he handled things poorly but we need help or Garret's gonna wind up in the hospital."