October 25, 2016

Tell Me

Jason's eyes widened slightly as Katie went off on him. He hadn't expected quite that kind of reaction. Her conclusion, though, made him shake his head. No, he wouldn't just forget it. She'd said all that with far too much conviction for it to have been just a passing thought. She'd thought about this long and hard - he could tell. And it had everything to do with the two of them...and his one biggest shortcoming...that had to change if he really wanted her back.

"Hey." He moved his leg under the table and nudged her chair with his foot. "Look at me." He waited for her eyes to come up again. "I don't know what's wrong, and neither does Rick." As hard as it was for him to admit it out loud, he would do it because it's what Katie wanted. "I'm tired all the time and my appetite has basically vanished. I've had every kind of blood work imaginable done, and Rick can't find anything wrong, other than my typical blood sugar issue, which...is not being helped when I don't eat, so I've been crashing more often than even he knows. So..." He shrugged. "I'm just trying not to worry about it, and pinning it in my stress level is the easiest thing to do at this point."

He fiddled with the fry he'd been holding, before tossing it aside. "If unanswered questions is what's keeping us apart, then fire away. I'll stay right here in this chair until you're satisfied with every single answer. I know I'm not good at sharing tough stuff, but if you're willing to be honest with me when you feel left out, I'll try to be more honest too."

He searched Katie's eyes, knowing he'd told her she could take all the time she needed, but he wanted so badly to know if she really did want this. His hand slid across the table to hers. "Tell me what I need to say or do... 'Cause I seriously need a hero back in my life."

Realizing Adison was asleep, Kirk smiled a little. Would she ever know what it meant to him, that she was so comfortable to lie here like this with him and actually fall asleep? To him, it couldn't be a greater compliment. But...their friendship wasn't like that...was it?

His fingers continued to run through her hair as the movie credits played. Once the disc menu came back up though, he knew he had a choice. Let her sleep and stay here til who knows when she'd wake up, or go ahead and get up now so they'd both get undisturbed sleep and be up for work at a decent time. He sighed, feeling too responsible. If only tomorrow would have been their day off. 

"Adison," he prompted gently. "Hey..." His hand stroked her back. Did he really have to let her go? But if he didn't, what might she think? Why had things gotten so complicated all of a sudden? 

With her so close, he tilted his head just a little and kissed her forehead. Maybe she wouldn't notice. "Movie's over..."