October 29, 2016


Kirk chuckled out loud and glanced around to make sure nothing important was happening before he replied to Adison again.
Anywhere? You're pretty brave.
And I always owe you coffee.
How does that happen?
He looked up again as he saw Nate gathering people, and couldn't help the itch to join in. But there was no way he'd be allowed to help.
Looks like I can't spring
the good news on Reese yet. Can't say I'm disappointed.

Jason gave Katie a grateful smile, and he sighed. "I just..." After their heartfelt conversation the day before, he didn't want to withhold his feelings, but at the same time, he simply wanted to move past this. He didn't want to dwell on how he felt about it. "I'm...not ready to figure out how I feel about all this." He turned his hand over so his palm was against her. "But I'm glad you're here with me."

Nate's orders were followed without question. The team all dropped what they were doing to help, and set out to find any leads on the sniper. Unfortunately it was not a simple task. Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours. And by almost nine o'clock that evening, they were all still empty handed, and too frustrated to do any more good tonight...

Pete shook his head as he walked back into the  building with Nate. "I can't believe there was nothing out there," he muttered. No witnesses, no nothing. Not even footprints. Zero. "I know it's high quality Agency but this is ridiculous."

Jason watched as Nate and Pete walked by his office, headed for the meeting room, and he knew. He knew they'd found nothing, just by the way they walked. Everyone was back now, and he could tell without asking that they didn't have a single lead.

Stuck in his office the entire day, this was just icing on the cake and he leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh. He'd spent the whole day doing nothing just for this? He should have been out there with them helping. Obviously they hadn't crossed paths with the sniper.

"Jason?" Reese knocked on the open door, and also have Katie a nod. Good thing she was there, or he knew Jason would never have stayed put.

Jason opened his eyes again. "Yeah?"

"Official word from Nate - no leads. Which meand you're spending the night here."

Jason's first reaction was to argue. Reese had to be kidding. He couldn't just hide out - that would be letting the Agency win! And how long was he supposed to hide? What if they never did find a lead?

His shoulders sank, and he withheld any retorts. "Okay."

Reese couldn't help his surprise. Okay? Jason wasn't arguing? Was he in that much pain? "Alright, well we're wrapping things up so make yourself comfortable. Need anything?"

Jason shook his head.

"Okay well.... goodnight." Reese tried offering Katie a smile. "Hal's on duty tonight so you can go home. I'll see you both tomorrow."

After he'd left, Jason looked dimly at Katie. He was disappointed there were no leads, and upset he had to stay here. "See you in the morning?"

Laura sat on the couch, sipping a hot cup of tea. She never went to bed before Nate got home, no matter how late it was. That's just how she preferred it, to make sure she could see he was okay when he walked through the door. Brian had been put down long before, and she'd just sent Maggie upstairs to get ready for bed, too. It had been a quiet day, which was nice, but now the evening had gotten long.

"Nate not back yet?"

Laura jumped, having almost forgotten Garret was even there - she hadn't seen him come out of his room once all day, and she'd only spoken to him one time for supper when he'd at least accepted a small plate of food. She glanced over her shoulder at him before shaking her head. "No, but he should be soon." At least that's what the last text message implied. 

"They find anything?"

"He hasn't said specifically but I dont think so."

Garret simply nodded and headed back to his room where he resumed sitting on the bed. No surprise - they weren't going to find Jason's sniper like that, and Garret knew it. 

Chance turned quickly, and just as quickly hid his surprise. He'd hoped he wouldn't wake Destiny. Slipping his arm around her, he gave her a loving squeeze. "Everything is fine," he assured, kissing the top of her head. "Just had a call. Some people forget about time zones, ya know?"

He grinned as he looked at her face. "Maybe it's good they woke me up though. I...should probably go."