October 31, 2016

'Bout time

Being turned around, Kirk had no clue it was Adison, and was taken completely by surprise. She was...kissing him...for real? A chill ran down his spine as his free hand came up behind her neck, his fingers combing through her hair. He had thought she didn't want this. He had thought his first move would have ruined everything. But... apparently not.

Returning her kiss as deeply as she gave it to him, he forgot they weren't alone, even when she pulled away. Looking down at her, his eyes held mix of affection, bewilderment and surrender. At her question, he brought his palm to rest gently on her cheek. "Because I... I thought you didn't want this. I...didn't think you looked at me like that." Had he been wrong this entire time? 

Behind them, Jamison, eyes wide, cleared his throat. "Uh...Kirk?" He held up a filing folder. "You wanna...do this another time?"

Kirk could feel his face grow just a little warm as he took a step back from Adison. "No. Sorry. Um...I just need to know where that item is."

"Yeah. The list is in this file. I think it's down row C, but I'll let you look."

"Thanks. I woulda been down here all day."

"No sweat." Jamison left the papers on the table and sidled past them, but not before he gave them both a rather amused look. "'Bout time," he muttered under his breath. 

Kirk opened his mouth to retort, but just let it go. Left alone with Adison, his eyes returned to hers. "So...you're not mad at me? For...you know. I figured you didn't want anything more than our friendship."