October 29, 2016


Thinking for a second Adison gave a small nod. Something funny was going on with Kirk, but maybe it was the stress from his day. Ron was his friend after all too so that might be nice.

That's a good idea. I'll call Ron back 
and see that works for him too.

Ending her conversation with Kirk Adison looked up the number Ron had called from and opened a text fast.

Ron, It's Adison want to go over to 
Kirk's tonight and do pizza and wings
to catch up?

It didn't take long for Adison to get a text back.

Oh, yeah that sounds good. Sorry 
if I over stepped asking you if you
two are together now.

Adison saw the text and laughed a little to herself. It wasn't unusual for people to think that about them.

LoL, we arn't just best of friends 
still. He just wants to catch up as 
well. I'll send you his address 
after I get out of work. Talk to 
you than.

Ending her conversation with Ron Adison messaged Kirk back.

Ron, good with coming to your 
place. Count on us to be there. Now
I better get back to work before I 
never get anything done.

Just cuddling in closer to Jason Katie was so comfortable. Nothing was better than him, pillows, and blankets. It was warm, comfortable, and just right. Feeing him candy here and there and sneaking her own it was like there own little slice of heaven. As Jason's arms tightened around her Katie looked up a little birnging her hand to the side of his face. Just watching him for a long moment as her thumb rubbed his face. Sometimes she wished they still had there connection. She did still miss it, even if she didn't say anything.

   "Everything is going to be ok. You know that right? No one will stop till it is. I can't lose you when I just found you again."

Katie new Jason hated when she worried, but she was. There was no hiding it. Her eyes said so much more than she did. Her and Jason had been on this line before, between life and death. It was a hard line to walk, but Katie couldn't dream letting Jason walk it alone.

Destiny giggles as she leans up and gives Chance another kiss before pushing him twords the door. She didn't want him to go but new it was really the best.

   "I'll see you tomorrow, promise."