October 25, 2016


Kirk was rather surprised as Adison settled in with him. He'd half-expected her to spring up with some silly comment and go back to her usual corner of the couch, especially with her whole teasing about him being handsome. She was...teasing... right?

As her arms slid around him, it felt so warm and nice. Wait...what was he doing? If she knew half the things flitting through his mind right now, their friendship would be over. Why had he started this whole thing? But...she wasn't resisting, so...he could at least enjoy what he got...right?

"Fluffy?!" He exclamation slipped out. "That's not me, that's the pillow, ya dufus." Yanking the throw pillow out from under her, he tossed it to the floor, letting her head come to rest on his chest. "Fluffy," he muttered. "If all my workouts do is leave me fluffy, there's something very wrong."

His arms went back around her and he sighed. "Watch the movie," he ordered. Actually, it was very close to being over, and...he wished it wasn't. 

As the final scene was coming to a close, Kirk's hand absentmindedly drifted up to comb ever so lightly through Adison's hair. She hadn't moved in the last ten minutes. Was she even awake?

Chance sighed dramatically. "Oh, alright. I wouldn't want you to be grumpy." One last teasing kiss to her nose and he finally let her go. "It's good to be back," he mused softly. "This trip was way too long..."

Eventually sitting with her for dinner, Chance relaxed and shared about what had been going on, now that it was over. "...so Xander and his family are safe and getting settled, the boy was rescued and... I'm back here." He speared a sprig of broccoli with his fork to pop it in his mouth. "Hopefully for longer this time. Although change is in the wind and I'm not sure anybody us at the Elite can say for certain that our jobs are safe."
Jason mulled over Katie's theories and nodded. She could be right. Surely Reese wouldn't hide anything too major from them, if it really was something serious. And he had to agree that not seeing Agent Young around lately was a relief. People were still sore about his little meetings with them. 

Nibbling a little on the ketchup-soaked fry, Jason's eyebrows rose at Katie's question. "Yeah, why?" Only then did he glance down and realize he had hardly eaten half his meal. Guilt was the next expression on his face as he looked back up at her, even though he tried to mask it. And his eyes dropped back down again before he shrugged. "Just... haven't had much of an appetite lately. Probably just stress." 

He forced a smile, even though he knew full well it wasn't as simple as that, and finally finished off the fry. "Don't worry. I could benefit from a few less pounds anyway." He patted his already-lean stomach in a lame attempt to support his excuse. He just didn't want anybody to worry about him anymore than they already would with the whole assassin deal.