October 25, 2016


Kirk wasn't surprised by Sapphire's response, but it didn't make this any easier. "No questions, and this will be quick." Entering her cubicle, he sat down in the extra chair and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he looked at her. "I just want you to know how much I respect you and your work here. I am impressed by your dedication to helping the Elite, helping Agency victims, and...helping someone like Gage." 

He paused and gave her a half-smile that resembled an apology. "I had to push your buttons to find out how you really felt - how you'd really react if under verbal attack. You speak from your heart, and I know I can trust that - which means I learned as much as I needed to know about Gage - probably more so than if I'd talked to him myself. I honestly didn't expect you to defend him as strongly as you did." He rubbed the side of his face. "I also learned you have a hefty palm which I'd like to avoid from now on." 

Another pause followed before he stood up, fulfilling his promise of it being a quick conversation. "Your record proves you're a good agent, Sapphire. There's a lot happening right now that most of you aren't aware of. But rest assured, I'm doing my best to make sure this family stays together." He nodded, closing his statement. "And...that's it, unless you have any questions." 

"Mm...that sounds nice." Jason kept his arms wrapped around Katie and swayed just a little. "Maybe we can go to the ranch soon. I know things have been rough there lately...maybe we can surprise them." He leaned back to see her face. "In the meantime, maybe we can at least escape for a lakeside date... It's been an awfully long time since we did that." 

Without waiting for an answer, he cocked his head to lean in once more, and this time let his kiss linger as his arms tightened around her. Too quickly though, his buzzing phone broke the moment. Breaking away, he rolled his eyes. He'd forgotten he still had his phone in his back pocket. Checking his messages, his eyes widened. "Oh crap. It's Wyatt, wondering where I am. He was supposed to escort me to work this morning." He very quickly typed a return message.
Sorry. Long story. Everything is fine - I'm with Katie. See you at work.

Sending the text, he returned his phone to his pocket and sighed. So much for a nice slow morning. He turned Katie around by the shoulders and pushed her towards the hallway. "Go get ready for work, so you can take me back to my place so I can get ready for work, then we can actually go to work."

A little smirk almost surfaced on Garret's face. Why Maggie liked him, he had no idea, but envisioning her defending him was quite a mental image. He was just ready to sarcastically wish her luck with that one, when her next statement threw him for another loop. Dropping his hand before he managed another bite of pickle, he turned a little to see her, his eyes wide with surprise. "Part of your...wait, Maggie, you..." He searched her eyes - how innocent they were. How innocent was her heart and what she thought of others. What she thought of him. She had no idea who he really was. If she did, she'd be as far away as possible, not nestled in under his arm like this. Not...thinking of him as...family. Family? 

He finally looked away and took another bite of pickle to cover up the tears that had sprung into his eyes again. He wished they would stop. Giving Maggie a little squeeze, he patted her arm and nodded. "I'll read it." He cleared his throat. "Yeah...I'll read it."