October 30, 2016


Raising her eyebrow at Kirk Adison didn't know what was going on but she found it odd. She was going to have to ask him about it later when Ron wasn't around. Waiting to hear Kirk's answer Adison was disappointed by it when it finally came. Why she thought it would be anything different she didn't know but she had that little bit of hope.

   "Ah I get ya, but you have to save a little time for fun. Honestly I thought for sure you guys would be hooked up by now. Kinda surprised your not."

Sitting back on the couch and setting his plate aside Ron just continued to sip his beer. It had been a long time since he had sat with friends and just chatted. It felt nice , a lot better than he thought it would coming here tonight. Still there was a thickness that hung in the air.

   "I'm staying over at the Raddison. Nothing amazing but its a warm bed, free breakfest, and just some place to call home. We are going to have to go out and shoot some pool one night."

   "I still like to shoot pool too."

Adison piped in again. She did it was just a long time since she had done it. Maybe a night out with all three of them would be nice. Looking to Kirk she tried to smile as she took a sip of her own beer. 

Keeping her arm around Jason she kissed his for head. Her heart hurt for him so much. Would he ever be gone of these nightmares for good. 

   "Come on, lets go for a slow walk. I'll even push you in a wheel chair if that would make it better. I think some fresh air out on the main floor would be better than the stuff in there."

Moving a little Katie stood to help Jason stand too. She needed to get his head cleared so he could try and get a little more sleep.