October 29, 2016

Good Reason

   "That was pretty bad...Man every one saw the crabby side of me."

Adison puts her pizza down taking a chicken wing and dipping it in some blue cheese. Really she and Kirk had been untranslatable. And when they were...it was not pretty. They just worked so well together knowing each others quirks. 

Being tossed her socks Adison's eyes widened just a little as they landed in her lap. Looking down at them, back to Kirk and than to Ron her cheeks grew a little red.

   "Hey! I was looking for those. I guess that's what happens when I spend more time here than my own apartment."

Looking at Adison and than Kirk Ron couldn't help but wonder about them as he took another bite of his pizza. Adison had said her and Kirk wernt dating, but Kirk's actions said something completely different. Why would Adison lie about that though? Maybe Kirk didn't mean to insinuate anything. Even at the academy they were inseparable. Maybe he was just reading the whole thing wrong.

Relizing he had been asked a question Ron finished chewing before he answered. 

   "Well, I'm a detective next state over. Have been for a little bit now. I have a missing persons case here that I am going to be working on though so I'll be around for a little bit. I've kind of been missing home too. Hoping by time my case is up I can figure out if I want to stay or not. Maybe if I can find a good reason...I will."

Taking another sip of his beer Ron throws a wink to Adison. His life had been pretty boring and after he and his last girlfriend broke up he'd been lonely too. It was his fault they had, working to much and not spending enough time with her. Now he had a chance though maybe to find happiness again.

   "So I guess time will tell on that."

Seeing Adison had finished her slice of pizza Ron reached for the box and held up another slice offering if she wanted it. 

Giving a smile Adison nodded she would never say no to pizza, and it had been so far away she was just lazy in grabbing it. So being offered was even better.

Just giving a content sigh Katie couldn't be happier. Jason was so warm and comfortable. Thinking about his comment for a long moment. 

   "Maybe we never did, we only thought we did. I sure am happy we found out way back though."

It really did feel like a dream. Walking around in a fog and not even knowing it. Katie would never forget her time with Hunter. He was a good guy and took care of her. He was kind, and helped her so much, but it was all just a memorie. It felt happened so long go. Her heart had always had a wall around it and she now new why.