October 31, 2016

Good Guy

As Kirk returned the kiss Adison's arms when up his and one wrapped around him and the other went to the back of his neck. This was really happening, had there honestly been more there than just friends? Adison could hardly believe it but having Kirk return the kiss with such passion confirmed that there really was.

   "I..I had been waiting for you to make the first move and you never did, so I though our friendship was it. So many times at your house, sitting on your counter, I just wanted to reach out and pull you in, but I didn't want to rune what we had by making it complicated if you just wanted to be friends."

Remembering Jamison was in the room Adison couldn't help but blush as she held a sorry look on her face. She hadn't meant to give him a show or make him feel uncomfortable. It had just happened and all was lost on remembering he was there. 


Hearing Jamison's remand Adison couldnt help but laugh. She wondered if everyone shared that same comment. Turning back to Kirk Adison shook her head at his comment before smiling again. She thought for sure he'd be the one that was mad.

   "No not at all. I thought...for sure you were the only one that wanted friendship."

Giving Laura a kiss Nate nodded. He new he needed to talk to Garret again and see if he new anything else. He might as well do it before work. It would really help if he did know anything else. Walking the hall like he had so many times before and knocking on the door Nate opened the door and looked at him for a long moment.

   "Garret..? I was just wondering if you had thought of anything else to help us with the sniper. We have nothing and I'd really like your help on this. You know this better than any of us and Jason is a really good guy. He dost deserve this."

Sitting down in the chair that was still in the room from Maggie Nate just smiled before looking down playing with his keys. Something told him Garret new more he didn't want to push to hard. It would just be helpful if he told them. Maybe it was selfish but he hated working late and not being home with his family. 

'Bout time

Being turned around, Kirk had no clue it was Adison, and was taken completely by surprise. She was...kissing him...for real? A chill ran down his spine as his free hand came up behind her neck, his fingers combing through her hair. He had thought she didn't want this. He had thought his first move would have ruined everything. But... apparently not.

Returning her kiss as deeply as she gave it to him, he forgot they weren't alone, even when she pulled away. Looking down at her, his eyes held mix of affection, bewilderment and surrender. At her question, he brought his palm to rest gently on her cheek. "Because I... I thought you didn't want this. I...didn't think you looked at me like that." Had he been wrong this entire time? 

Behind them, Jamison, eyes wide, cleared his throat. "Uh...Kirk?" He held up a filing folder. "You wanna...do this another time?"

Kirk could feel his face grow just a little warm as he took a step back from Adison. "No. Sorry. Um...I just need to know where that item is."

"Yeah. The list is in this file. I think it's down row C, but I'll let you look."

"Thanks. I woulda been down here all day."

"No sweat." Jamison left the papers on the table and sidled past them, but not before he gave them both a rather amused look. "'Bout time," he muttered under his breath. 

Kirk opened his mouth to retort, but just let it go. Left alone with Adison, his eyes returned to hers. "So...you're not mad at me? For...you know. I figured you didn't want anything more than our friendship."


As Adison wanted the tension grew. She didn't know why Kirk was so off kilter. As Kirk drew closed Adison still had no idea what he was going to do. Bring pulled into the kiss and being taken so off guard Adison didn't even have time to return the kiss as Kick backed away and turned leaving her standing there. Looking around a few agents had seen what had happened, looking at them they all went back to work but Adison could feel her cheeks grow red. What on earth had just happened had Kirk kissed her? Had...he meant it? Was it a new tactic to get she to shut up. So many things ran through Adison's head she had no idea where to start except for one thing.

Stepping outside Adison pulled out her phone and called the number Ron had gave her, waiting for him to answer.

   "Hey Ron, listen I'm not going to be able to go to dinner tonight...no you didn't do anything wrong. Kind of... I gotta see whats there or not. Thanks for understanding..Bye."

Hanging up the phone Adison was happy Ron understood and apparently had seen the signs last night but didn't say anything.  She was thankful he was such a sweet guy.

Going back inside and waiting for a second she made her way to the basement. If she didn't figure this out it would drive her mad. Seeing Jamison, Adison held a finger to her lips. Coming up behind Kirk, she wasn't going to let him run. Turning him around she leaned up on her tip toes and pressed her lips to his letting it linger for a long moment, just letting how she felt too flow though. She'd dreamed of this for a long time and it was everything she imagined. Letting the kiss end and backing away a little Adison looked up at Kirk and gave a small smile searching his eyes.

   "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"


Kirk came to a halt as Adison stopped him, and put his hands on his hips. His eyes refused to look at her though, and he stared at the ceiling and sighed. Depending on what Todd did now, he could be in a heap of trouble for getting physical. Never had he felt so manic. All his efforts to rethink things after last night had vanished. He was making a mess of things, his irritation was through the roof, and there was no real reason...was there? 

Finally he dropped his eyes to look at Adison, but had to wait as a couple agents walked between them on their way to a meeting. Everything was changing and there was nothing he could do about it. Which left him now with little to lose. 

With his aggravation still at a boiling point, he stepped forward without warning. Slipping his hand behind Adison's head, he closed the gap with no time for her to react. Pressing his lips to hers, he kissed her. Passionately. Briefly, but there could be no mistaking his intentions. 

Releasing her, his eyes flashed with a multitude of emotions. "That...is what's going on with me," he answered her gruffly. For better or worse, now she knew. He'd probably just ruined the best thing he'd ever had, but it was too late now. 

Spinning around, he spotted another agent coming their way. "Jamison - just the guy I need to see." He walked away from Adison, not allowing a chance for any more talk. He didn't want to face the rejection he knew would be there. "I need some help finding an item in the basement."

"Oh, sure." Jamison nodded and turned to walk with him towards the stairs. "Anything to get me out of that briefing with Barnes."

Rick set his jaw grimly and he shook his head. "I...don't know. I don't want to worry Jason - he's got so much on his mind the way it is, but... I feel like we should be monitoring him closely. Maybe I can just use his flashback as an excuse and we can avoid the topic for a while." If the unexplainable element was coming back, there was nothing Jason could really do about it anyway, and without evidence, what was the point in worrying the young man?

Rick's eyes showed the guilt he felt though. He knew good and well they shouldn't keep something like this from Jason. He deserved to know their concerns, evidence or not. Rick let out a slow sigh. "Yeah, I know. We need to tell him. I just wish there was a way to know for sure. The only thing we have to go on is when this cropped up in the first place, it started with flashbacks. Although it seemed to hit gradually with much more minor episodes. This...sounds like it was full-blown. Which may mean if we're dealing with the same thing...it may have evolved. I don't know what to do."

Laura filled Nate's travel mug with coffee, knowing he'd probably need the extra bit this morning to start the day. "I can bring you lunch today," she offered, moving about the kitchen. "In case you get wrapped up in work. Unless you need a break, in which case, I'll certainly welcome your company here." 

She came over to him and stood on her tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss. He looked tired and it bothered her. "You'll find the shooter," she encouraged. Glancing over her shoulder at the hallway, she paused, biting her lip. She wasn't sure Nate wanted to hear this again. "You might try Garret one more time." 

In the bedroom, Garret was wide awake. He was already getting used to when the house would go to bed and rise. The sounds were similar every time. The voices. The calm. 

Dressed and sitting on the bed as usual, he felt numb this morning. As if there was little point to anything. Why was he here? He couldn't even answer that question. His inner world had been flipped, and he didn't know how to pull himself back out again. 

His stomach growled. He hadn't accepted supper last night and Maggie had had schoolwork so even she hadn't shown up except right before bed to tell him goodnight. He wanted to get up now and go out there...see the family... eat breakfast...he just...couldn't...yet.

Going On

Hearing the commotion and and seeing Todd fall to the floor Adison couldn't believe what was going on. Kirk actually punched him. Granted Todd probable deserved it, but still she hadn't know Kirk to be the violent one.  As he passed the door Adison followed him out and stopped him.
   "What on earth is going on with you? Don't tell me nothing because its clear as day something is."

   "It could be either super small we can see, or because Katie hasn't shown signs of it coming back maybe it cant be seen yet."

Thinking again for a moment Misty gets lost in her thoughts as she remembered how Jason and Katie's connection work and an alarming thought came up.

   "So nothing to worry about now, but....what if Katie dosnt get her part of the connection back? What will happen with Jason?"

October 30, 2016

Over the edge

Kirk couldn't stand Todd. He'd never been able to. What he had always been able to do was ignore him. 

Until now.

Todd's comment sent Kirk over the edge, and without even thinking, he reacted. Grabbing Todd's shoulder before he got too far, Kirk spun him around. And granting no time to defend himself, Kirk's fist met his mouth. Hard. 

Sending Todd sprawling backward, he simply turned on his heel and walked right back for the door. His desk work could wait. He was too worked up to sit now anyway. 

Passing Adison right outside the door, he didn't even say one word, but just kept on walking. So much for a good start to the day.

Rick leaned back against the counter and folded his arms, mulling over Misty's question. "I've considered it," he admitted. "To tell you the truth, I was never quite convinced that it was gone forever in the first place. But... Evidence proves otherwise, and there was no point in worrying anyone."

Wandering closer to her desk, he sighed. "Thing is... We finally figured out that Jason's episodes weren't typical flashbacks. I mean... they're more than that. Always have been. We determined that had to do with the foreign element. Otherwise he might be disoriented and upset, but he wouldn't black out and have symptoms not unlike a seizure... that's way more than a flashback."

He paused as he mentally put the pieces together. "So...if Jason just had an episode last night then...I can't help but wonder. Yet his blood work shows no evidence of it..." He searched Misty's face. "Unless it's just so small we can't see it yet. I don't know if I can worry Jason with this though. He'll be beyond upset if he thinks all this is coming back."


Standing too Adison had to go grab something from the copier. Giving a smile and a nod to Kirk she turned.

   "Ok, I'll see you later."

As Aidson left Todd came up next to Kirk taking a bit of his doughnut. Chewing and swallowing he finally gave a small laugh. It was about time Kirk got the same treatment he did.

   "Looks like I'm not the only one who has the hots for someone they cant have. I guess the only difference is I actually had the guts to try." 

Shoving the rest of the doughnut in his mouth Todd walked off.

Looking up at Rick Misty gave a nod. She could take a look and see if there was anything he'd missed. She new there was worry there, and she couldn't help but wonder herself.

   "Yeah no problem is there anything I should be looking for specifically?"

It wasn't much longer when Misty was done going over everything. Going over to Rick's desk and putting the papers work and letting out a small sigh.

   "Everything looks perfect...maybe to perfect. Did we ever consider maybe Jason's connection is coming back but Katie's isn't?"


Dinner? With Ron? So soon? All Kirk's determination to ignore his feelings seemed to go out the window as he blinked. "Oh." He tried to recover and took another sip of coffee to hide his expression. 

"Um, well, yeah...you can come over after." He cocked his head. "Unless it gets to be too late." He could kick himself. Again. Another forced smile. "Should be fun." She looked so excited. How could he deny her that happiness? It wasn't his place. He couldn't ruin that for her. 

Standing awkwardly for a moment, he sighed and thumbed to his desk. "Well, I better get to work, then I gotta get out of here. I'll prolly text ya later."

Rick gave Katie's shoulder a pat. "With or without a connection, you did exactly what you always do so well...you were there for him."

He glanced to the bedroom. "I think we'll let him sleep as long as he wants. When he wakes up though, I'd like to see him...just to be on the safe side."

Leaving her be, he went to the infirmary where he found Misty had just arrived, too. Wandering over to her desk, he just stood in thought for several moments. His face showed concern as he finally glanced up at her. "Jason had one of his fladhback episodes last night... I just... I don't know why, but it really bothers me. I've had his blood work done multiple times lately bur haven't seen anything odd..." Was he really concerned about the strange element's return? He didn't dare voice it.

He locked eyes with Misty. She couldnt breathe a word of this to anyone. "Would you go over the most recent test results? Just...to be sure I didn't miss anything?"


Adison couldn't help her stomach growled at the sound of Chinese food. That was her second favorite to pizza. It was ashame she had other plans.

   "Ah man I am so sorry. Chinese sounds so good...but Ron asked me to dinner tonight and I accepted. I can come over after if you want." 

Adison gave another smile taking a sip of her coffee. She was excited for tonight and going to dinner. It was a nice break from work for sure.

Katie let out a sigh and leaned against the wall. She was happy Hal told Rick, it saved her from being the bad guy.

   "It was pretty bad, started with a dream, and than we went for a walk for pain killers and he just had another one."

Looking at Rick Katie's face showed worry in it.

   "I was pretty scared. It was the first one he's had since not having our connection. I felt so helpless."


Kirk paused before going to his own desk and took a sip of his coffee. Tonight? He shrugged. "Oh, I dunno. Hoping to have a good report on my day over at the Elite."

He grinned. He felt better than last night. He'd been so wound up over nothing, and he felt rather silly about it all. He'd been exhausted and that hadn't helped things any. The whole thing with Ron...he'd thought way too much of it and could kick himself for being such an idiot. 

"In which case, I'm sure I'll need help hashing through things...which...probably means something like Chinese takeout and a movie to ignore." He paused as the chief walked by, and straightened to cover his casual demeanor. "So if you wanna join me, the door's open like always."

Rick moved away from the door and smiled his greeting to Katie. "Hey. I just wondered exactly what happened last night. Hal said Jason had a flashback?"

He shook his head. "It's been so long...was it a bad one?"


Seeing the coffee that was placed on her desk Adison looks up at Kirk and gives a smile. He new what made her happy specially when she was tired this morning.

   "You just new what I needed. I felt exhausted this morning."

Sitting back in her chair and taking the sip of her coffee Adison couldn't help but let her mind wonder as she though about all the changes that had been going on. From work, to friends, and tonight dinner plans. It was hard to say she was a little excited. 

   "So what are you big plans tonight?"

Looking up hearing Rick's voice Katie looks down at second at Jason and smiled. She must have fallen asleep. Sliding her arm out from around him Katie slipped off the bed and out into the hall way where Rick was.

   "Morning Rick. Whats up?" 


Left alone in his apartment, Kirk started to clean up. It hadn't turned out to be a bad night. At least he always enjoyed Adison's company, and Ron really wasn't a bad guy. Kirk did like him. He wasn't sure they'd ever be best of friends, but they did have quite a bit in common. 

He gathered up the empty beer cans and took them to the kitchen, then cleaned up the pizza box. Just walking past his window, he could see the parking lot and paused for just a moment, spotting Adison and Ron. And...Ron...touching Adison's face? The queasy feeling returned to his stomach, and he suddenly identified what it was. 

Slowly moving on to finish cleaning up, now he realized what his problem had been the entire evening. He threw away the trash in the kitchen and glanced at the counter. Boosting himself up, he sat where Adison always did. 

Change. That's what was bothering him. He was so used to Adison being around all the time that...maybe he'd taken it for granted. Ron wasn't the only man who could turn Adison's head. It was just a matter of time, really. And once there was a special man in her life...her time here would be close to nothing. It was perfectly natural. She deserved to find that special someone. She deserved the best, really. And...since that wasn't him, then...he needed to be happy and encourage her. Not be miserable like he'd been tonight. 

He let his legs dangle as he sat, and sighed. He wasn't sure when he'd started having feelings for her. They'd been the best of friends for so long that it had just happened over time, he supposed. But there had always been a silent agreement to not cross any lines. For work sake. For their friendship's sake. And...and... that's the way it should be. She'd never indicated she wanted anything more, so he'd respected that. And he still should...right?

Eventually he got back to work and turned out all the lights. He needed sleep...

...Getting to the office the next morning, Kirk was much more alert and ready for the day. He'd thought about the Elite almost all night and had a few fresh ideas, and felt good about them. Now just to pick up a few things, then head on over. 

He had his hair in a ponytail today, and a collared shirt tucked in with the slweves rolled up just past his elbows. And he had two coffees. 

Slipping past Adison's desk, he set one coffee down in front of her. "For dragging you along with me," he teased, referencing their text conversation the day before. He was determined to somehow make up for his less-than-acceptable behavior last night. 

He grinned and tossed her a wink before going to his own desk for just a few minutes. 

Jason smiled a little and turned his neck so he could kiss Katie's forehead. "You've always been the best, you know that?"

Closing his eyes, he tried to relax, but it wasn't easy. This whole thing worried him...a lot. He didn't understand why this was coming  back all of a sudden, and why it had felt different than before. He knew his flashbacks had never been typical...but that was only because of the Agency-induced element. So...why had he just had an episode now?

In spite of his worries, he was too exhausted to stay awake, and soon and drifted to sleep. At least the rest of the night was peaceful and free of nightmares, with Katie resting beside him...

...Morning. Rick tapped lightly on the half-open door and looked in to see Jason and Katie. No surprise. Hal had met him in the parking lot and had told him what had happened the night before. It was quite a concern to Rick, for more than one reason.

"Katie?" he whispered. "Katie...you awake?"


Seeing Kirk yawn Adison new it was starting to be that time. Even she really should get to bed early. Tomorrow would be a new chance, and she just needed to keep getting her own work in order for the transition. 

   "Wow, time sure did fly I didn't even know it was this late. I guess I should be heading home myself."

Giving a stretch and standing when Adison did Ron new he should probable head out. It was a week day and if he stayed to long he'd probable drink more and regret it in the morning. It had been a nice night and the air seemed to clear a little after time and Ron was happy about that.

   "Pool it is before I leave sounds good. It was great seeing you again Kirk."

Adison smiled and said she goodbyes to Kirk and she would see him tomorrow before heading out with Ron to there cars. Stopping and turning she smiled it really had been good to see him again.

   "It really was great to see you again Ron. We will have to work another time out to get together again."

Holding his keys for a long moment Ron smiled studying Adison's face for a long moment. Reaching out and brushing a strand of hair behind her head he nodded.

   "We will have to do pool with Kirk, and maybe set up a different time for just you and I to have dinner. That is only if you want."

  "I think..that sounds like fun. Call me or text and we will work something out."

Getting into her car Adison waved at Ron before pulling off. Had she just been asked on a date and accepted? She felt a little bad since she had feelings for Kirk, but he'd never said anything and they were just friends the way he wanted so there was nothing to feel bad about...right? Plus it was just a harmless date, that didnt mean they were going to actually be together right away. 

Katie nodded to Hal. Jason needed the bed more than she did right now and she wasn't going to let him say anything differently. She was thankful Hal was there to help her. She could of managed on her own, but having someone else just helped release a little stress.

Once Hal was gone and Jason was in bed, Katie scooted in next to him. Keeping her arm around him she was the one to comfort him. Hearing him apologize like he always did Katie rolled her eyes. He probable would say sorry till the end of days.

   "You didn't rune the night. We had a good time, and now I get to cuddle with you."

Moving her head to look at Jason a little and smile she offered all the support she could. Even if she was still shaken form this on the inside. It had been a long time since this happened and it startled her. But they would get through this together.

   "Just getting to be with you makes my day."


Kirk nodded slowly as he listened. He was curious about Ron's case but knew better than to ask too many questions. "For as quiet as things seem to be in this area, we got an awful lot of law enforcement. Police, FBI, Elite. Worst part is keeping track of jurisdiction and who's supposed to be in charge of what cases. It can get crazy."

He thought for a moment about his and Adison's future with the Elite. The lines were going to get even blurrier. But enough about work.

Kirk did his best to keep up with small talk, and they all got to laughing at least a couple times over old stories from the academy. Despite his unexplained uneasiness, it really wasn't a bad night, all in all. It was starting to get late though, and as much as Kirk wouldn't mind staying up late, he knew he had a lot of headaches waiting for him tomorrow. 

A little yawn and glance to Adison and he knew she'd take his hint. He was too polite to end the evening himself. 

"Well," he suggested to Ron. "I stink at pool as bad as I always have, but if you wanna get together again before you leave town, hit me up."

Jason had little choice but just to stay where he was for now. He hurt all over and being so tense had made his shoulder hurt even more than it had been.

It took a while before he was ready to sit up, and lean back against the wall. He felt nauseous like he always did after a bad episode but tried to keep everything down, and at leat accepted the orange juice Katie gave him. Right now he knew it was probably low sugar that was making him dizzy and making his hands shake.

Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply. "Sorry," he apologized quietly. "It just.  Came out of nowhere." He swallowed hard. It was always scary. "Next time, I'll try to fall to pieces close to a couch or something."

He did manage a little grin, doung his best to keep a sense of humor. He felt like crap though, and all he wanted was to go home and to his own bed.

"How about we get you to the spare room there?"

Jason looked up in surprise, not having even realized Hal was anywhere close. "I'll be fine in my office," he assured.

"Yeah, well..." Hal looked to Katie and gave her a little smirk. He knew she'd agree the bed was the best place for him. He was also glad he was there to help get Jason to his feet. As it was, Jason struggled to stand, and had to put most of hs weight on Hal as his legs weren't quite ready to work again yet.

Within a few minutes, Jason was lying on his back on the bed and Hal had gone back to work, agreeing not to call Rick, even though he'd suggested it.

Jason felt absolutely miserable. Why was all this happening at once? It had to be related to his stress...right? There was no other explanation. There had been something different this time, though. It had felt...strange. Stranger than it had in the past. He looked dimly to Katie. "I spoiled our evening..."


Giving a smile as Kirk put ice cream on her name Adison just watched him for a long second. Maybe he was just tired? No matter the reason though he was going to try and that's all she could ask for fun him. She was thankful for that, but still what was going on bothered her, and bothered her even more since she couldn't put her finger on it. 

Coming back in the living room and sitting down Aidson crossed her legs on the couch. Giving a smile to Ron, and than Kirk once again. Maybe the rest of the evening would be better.

Bitting into a chicken wing Ron nodded to Adison as she came back and Kirk. He wondered about this whole thing and something told him there was more two those two that nether of them even new. But that wasn't his fault...if they wernt dating there shouldn't be any hard feelings if he found interest in her.

   "Working with a department. It's an on going case from my department back home but we got a tip that the person we are looking for is here. So I got send over to help out here and see whats going on. Its nice to get away now and than I can't deny that."

   "I'm here J. I got ya, you are going to be ok."

Getting everything from Hal Katie nodded her thanks. There really wasn't much they could do other than what was already being done. They had to ride it out and be there for Jason when he came too. These episodes were always murder on his sugar, and now she had that covered.  

   "I've got one OJ here for you when you think you ca drink ok. I'm not going to let go..dont worry...I'm here."

Katie gently rubbed Jason's back as she held him. Anything to let him know she was close, she was there. She wouldnt let him go through this alone.


Even if Kirk didn't feel like he was acting all that strangely, the look on Adison's face proved it, and he felt bad. He hadn't meant to be a bad host or make anybody uncomfortable. He didn't know why he was ill at ease, but he needed to get his act together, if just for Adison. 

Forcing a smile, he shook his head. "Don't go. I'll be just fine. I can't pass up the chance to have company now can I?" He grabbed a bowl to dish himself out some ice cream. Maybe that would thwart his taste buds from wanting another beer. "Sure you don't want some?" He dipped his finger in his dish and tapped her nose with the cold ice cream before laughing at her amd ducking, just in case. 

"Coming, coming!" he hollered to Ron. Back in the living room, he flopped down in his chair again, mentally shutting off his weird emotions. Grabbing his stereo remote, he kept the music going. 

"So... Missing persons case huh?" He took a bite of ice cream, determined to make the rest of this evening enjoyable...queezy stomach or not. "Independent or working with a department?"

Hal did as he was told, bringing back a blanket, pillow, and a bottle of orange juice from the vending machine. There wasn't much else he could do, so he simply sat nearby in case he was needed.

Jason's episode only lasted about dive minutes, but it felt like five years. Slowly, slowly, his world started to fade, and the pictures of that horrid nightmare began to dissolve. His body started to relax the further it got away until finally, finally he opened his eyes.

For a few more moments, everything was blurry. He could hear Katie's voice, but nothing made sense. He could feel her touch though, and it helped calm his racing heart.

Eventually he realized he was on the hallway floor. "Katie?" It was over. Tears filled his eyes and he curled into her for comfort. This episode had totally taken him by surprise. Still shaking and soaked in sweat, he was completely exhausted.


   "Nah I'm good with the pizza and wings. Thanks though."

Ron sat on the couch and grabbed another slice trying to brush off how uncomfortable he was feeling at the moment.

   "I fell like there is more than just that going on with you. I just cant put my finger on it though."

Just studying him for a long moment Adison tried to understand what was going on with Kirk but she just couldn't. His whole demeanor was just off or maybe it was her but something just didn't feel right at all. Could Kirk really feel that uncomfortable having house guests other than herself?
   "Ok well...Do you need us to go since your not feeling good?"

Falling to the floor with Jason Katie did what she could so he wouldn't hit his head. Just holding him a tear formed in her eye. Seeing Hal come out into the hallway she looked up at him. She felt completely helpless. With there connection she always new how to help but now without it she felt like there was so little she could do.

   "J...I'm here...your safe at the Elite...your going to be ok. Hal..Jason is having a flashback. Can you grab me a pillow, blanket, some orange juice."

Just continuing to sit with him it's all Katie could do. Be there with him, and have what she new he would need when he came out of it. This was so hard, so much harder than she remembered but she wouldn't leave him now she couldn't not when he needed her.

 Closing her eyes for a second and trying to regain controle of herself Katie gave Jason's hand a squeeze as her other layed on his chest. 

  "Come one Jason...come back to us. I'm here with you...I wont leave you alone."

Ran Off

Ron looked to Adison and than where Kirk had left. For some reason he got very uncomfortable fast. Everything was ok, but the air seemed so thick and he didn't know why. Did he say something wrong or afend someone?

   "Is he ok?"

Looking to Kirk and than Ron Adison shrugged she had no idea what was going on right now. Things were ok, than seemed not ok than ok again she felt like she was going in circles.

   "I think so. I'm not to sure."

Trying to change the subject Adison chatted and laughed a little bit more with Ron as they waited for Kirk to come back. As the time passed though and he didn't come back Adison started to get a little worried.

   "Hey I'm going to see where Kirk ran off to. I'll be right back. Don't eat all the pizza."

Getting up from the couch Adison makes her way to the kitchen. Seeing Kirk standing there she comes closer laying a hand on his arm for a moment. She was worried about him and what was going on.
   "Hey...whats going on? Are you ok?"

Smiling at Jason and laughing a little Katie helped support him as they walked slowly. At least Jason smiled a little bit.

   "Mmm...I think your right..but its better than just sitting there."

Walking more and chatting a little Katie new it was her mostly talking but that was ok with her. Jason was listing and that was good, distracting his mind. Getting to the infermart and opening the door Katie walked inside with Jason. 

   "Ohh I never been here after hours. Exciting...do you know what ones you need and is Rick ok with it?"


Was it bad Kirk had forgotten Adison liked to play pool? It had been such a long time since they'd played, especially since he'd been trying to avoid the bar scene. She had always been better at it than he, though that had never bothered him.

"Yeah..." He forced a smile. "That sounds like fun." He hoped his tone was more convincing than what he felt. Why did Ron's comment about him and Adison not being hooked up bother him? It shouldn't. He and Adison had a unique relationship - nothing wrong with that. And he knew good and well it was the way she wanted it. Right?

Had he really just finished his second beer? Had Adison noticed? Why should he feel guilty? And why did he just wish this evening was over already, when nothing was wrong with it at all?

"I'll, um, be right back." Excusing himself politely, he aimed for the kitchen, out of sight. He had no reason to be in here...maybe he'd get some ice cream just as an excuse. Sighing, he just leaned back against the counter. Why wasn't Adison sitting up there like usual, and giving his tense shoulders a rub like she did so well? He rolled his eyes at himself. Apparently he couldn't even handle two beers anymore. It had obviously gone straight to his head. 

Jason wasn't sure what good walking around would do, but he didnt argue. Getting to his feet, he grimaced and had to take just a moment to steady himself. His leg hurt. His shoulder hurt more. He wished he would have stayed on the floor.

"Just so you know...the main floor has never had fresh air." He managed a little smile. As he put an arm around Katie's shoulder though - partly for support - his hand still trembled.

"Can we at least go by way by the infirmary? I could really go for some pain killers right about now."


Raising her eyebrow at Kirk Adison didn't know what was going on but she found it odd. She was going to have to ask him about it later when Ron wasn't around. Waiting to hear Kirk's answer Adison was disappointed by it when it finally came. Why she thought it would be anything different she didn't know but she had that little bit of hope.

   "Ah I get ya, but you have to save a little time for fun. Honestly I thought for sure you guys would be hooked up by now. Kinda surprised your not."

Sitting back on the couch and setting his plate aside Ron just continued to sip his beer. It had been a long time since he had sat with friends and just chatted. It felt nice , a lot better than he thought it would coming here tonight. Still there was a thickness that hung in the air.

   "I'm staying over at the Raddison. Nothing amazing but its a warm bed, free breakfest, and just some place to call home. We are going to have to go out and shoot some pool one night."

   "I still like to shoot pool too."

Adison piped in again. She did it was just a long time since she had done it. Maybe a night out with all three of them would be nice. Looking to Kirk she tried to smile as she took a sip of her own beer. 

Keeping her arm around Jason she kissed his for head. Her heart hurt for him so much. Would he ever be gone of these nightmares for good. 

   "Come on, lets go for a slow walk. I'll even push you in a wheel chair if that would make it better. I think some fresh air out on the main floor would be better than the stuff in there."

Moving a little Katie stood to help Jason stand too. She needed to get his head cleared so he could try and get a little more sleep.


Was Kirk really acting uncomfortable? He gave Adison a confused look. Maybe he did feel a little om edge with Ron here, but otherwise, he felt...just fine. He opened his mouth to answer, but not having a chance, he just gave her a shrug and a crooked smile instead.

Accepting the new beer, he nodded his thanks and flipped it open, starting on that before grabbing a slice of pizza since all he'd had so far was a few wings.

Ron's question threw him for a bigger loop than it should have, and he took extra time to chew before attempting an answer. His eyes intentionally avoided looking at Adison, whether he realized it or not.

"Oh, you know how it is in our line of work. No time for anything serious, not to mention, the distraction alone could get a guy killed." He took another swig of beer. Was that the start of a slight buzz? It really had been a while since he'd had anything more than soda. 

"So, uh, where you staying at while you're in town?"

Feeling Katie's hand and hearing her voice, Jason realized where he was again, and tried to relax. It wasn't easy though, as his pulse continued to race.

"Sorry," he apologized softly. "Just...bad dream." He sat up a little straighter and winced, his shoulder still throbbing. He'd had worse nightmares. Far worse. But it had been so long since he'd had one about Alex, that that alone was unnerving.

Closing his eyes again, he leaned his head back against the wall. No more... just no more. Rarely did these dreams come one at a time. But as long as he could avoid any major flashbacks, he could tolerate it.

"I don't wanna go back to sleep," he almost whimpered. "Don't let me sleep again yet..."

October 29, 2016


Listing to the two talking back and forth Adison can't help but notice something seemed to change with Kirk. He seemed on edge not to mention he was not almost chugging his beer. What on earth...maybe it was just her because she new him so well, but she couldn't put her finger on what was the matter.

   "Changes huh? Sounds like you guys have gotten pretty comfortable with your jobs. Doesn't surprise me though you both were always the top of your class."

Finishing off his can of beer and a few chicken wings Ron shook his head a little He'd had a few girlfriends but nothing serous like a wife. 

   "Nah no family here. Came close one time but I just realized I wasn't ready yet. I still like going to the bar, and shoot pool, working and just not my time yet. "

Seeing Kirk had finished off his beer too Ron stands heading for the kitchen before stopping.

   "Kirk want another one?"

As Kirk says yes Adison just looks again at him for a long moment. She didn't mind he drank, but she wondered why the sudden urge to have two in the matter of minutes. 

   "Is everything ok? You're acting...I dont know...you seem uncomfortable."

There wasn't enough time for him to reply as Ron came back handing him another beer and sitting down again. Looking Adison he smiled than to Kirk again.

   "Have you settled down with anyone Kirk? I mean I know your not married since no one else is here but is there that special person in your life?"

As Jason gives a jolt Katie wakes quickly. Looking around the room the light from the TV lit it up enough to see Jason in a bad dream. Gently laying a hand on his arm Katie tried to wake him, only to have him jerk and wrench his arm.

   "J...its ok...your safe. We are at work still...your safe."

Holding his hand close to her Katie gave it a light kiss. It had been a long time that she new of since Jason's dreams had come. She couldn't help but wonder if the stress on everything was getting to him. She felt bad, and just wished she could make it go away.

    "It's ok...I'm here...I got ya."

Good Reason

   "That was pretty bad...Man every one saw the crabby side of me."

Adison puts her pizza down taking a chicken wing and dipping it in some blue cheese. Really she and Kirk had been untranslatable. And when they were...it was not pretty. They just worked so well together knowing each others quirks. 

Being tossed her socks Adison's eyes widened just a little as they landed in her lap. Looking down at them, back to Kirk and than to Ron her cheeks grew a little red.

   "Hey! I was looking for those. I guess that's what happens when I spend more time here than my own apartment."

Looking at Adison and than Kirk Ron couldn't help but wonder about them as he took another bite of his pizza. Adison had said her and Kirk wernt dating, but Kirk's actions said something completely different. Why would Adison lie about that though? Maybe Kirk didn't mean to insinuate anything. Even at the academy they were inseparable. Maybe he was just reading the whole thing wrong.

Relizing he had been asked a question Ron finished chewing before he answered. 

   "Well, I'm a detective next state over. Have been for a little bit now. I have a missing persons case here that I am going to be working on though so I'll be around for a little bit. I've kind of been missing home too. Hoping by time my case is up I can figure out if I want to stay or not. Maybe if I can find a good reason...I will."

Taking another sip of his beer Ron throws a wink to Adison. His life had been pretty boring and after he and his last girlfriend broke up he'd been lonely too. It was his fault they had, working to much and not spending enough time with her. Now he had a chance though maybe to find happiness again.

   "So I guess time will tell on that."

Seeing Adison had finished her slice of pizza Ron reached for the box and held up another slice offering if she wanted it. 

Giving a smile Adison nodded she would never say no to pizza, and it had been so far away she was just lazy in grabbing it. So being offered was even better.

Just giving a content sigh Katie couldn't be happier. Jason was so warm and comfortable. Thinking about his comment for a long moment. 

   "Maybe we never did, we only thought we did. I sure am happy we found out way back though."

It really did feel like a dream. Walking around in a fog and not even knowing it. Katie would never forget her time with Hunter. He was a good guy and took care of her. He was kind, and helped her so much, but it was all just a memorie. It felt happened so long go. Her heart had always had a wall around it and she now new why.


Returning Kirk's handshake Ron smiled. He hadn't planned on playing catch up with more than just Adison but he might as well make the best of it. Kirk looked a lot different from the last time he seen him but he looked good. 

   "Hey it has been. Nice place you got here."

Being cut off by the doorbell Ron followed Adison into the kitchen putting the beer in the fridge but grabbing a few. Coming back over to Adison who was getting plates he smiled. She really did look good from the last time he saw her.

Grabbing some plates Adison figured since it was more than just her and Kirk they might as well be half way decedent and eat like humans. Turning and seeing Ron standing by her she smiled. It was different having someone else besides Kirk here. About to say something Adison heard Kirk call and noded twords the living room.

   "It's one of the best places to eat honestly. You're lucky we got plates."

Heading into the living room and taking her normal position on the couch Adison hands outs the places, and is followed by Ron handing each of them a beer. Adison figured she'd make an acceptation for a special occasion. Grabbing a slice she did hesitate to start eating.

Sitting down and watching Adison for a long moment Ron can't help but laugh taking a sip of his beer. Somethings really didn't ever change.

   "I guess I dont need to ask if pizza is still you favorite. I never understood how you could eat whatever you wanted and not gain a pound."

Grabbing his own slice it took a bite before looking to Kirk giving a nod of thanks for the pizza and wings. It had been a long time since he'd just indulged himself in junk food and man was it good.

   "So do you guys still work together?"

Just continuing to search Jason's face Katie could see the pain in his eyes and it hurt. With everything he had been through, with all the pain and hurt in his life she couldn't blame him for being hesitant and for not really knowing how to put his guard down. It hurt even more thinking about it because of all the potential Jason really had. 

   "You can be scared, but you dont have to carry that alone anymore. We can be strong together. We both can just...live and lean on each other when we need too. I'm not going anywhere anymore...I promise."

Leaning in Katie placed a gentil kiss on Jason's lips before putting away and resting her head against him. They both had there handful of issues, and things to deal with but Katie was in it for the long hall this time. She wasn't going to make Jason deal alone, not anymore. 

   "Hurt is what makes us know we are alive still. A reminder life is short, but we have another chance to make the most of it. I know as long as we have each other...we can face anything. We are just good like that."


Having been so lost in thought, Adison totally startled Kirk. Giving a jump, he got up from the couch quickly. "Well how the heck was I supposed to know you were here, oh, you who never knock." 

He grinned as he looked to Ron next. "Hey there!" He offered a firm handshake. "Long time, no see." Ron certainly looked good. "Sure was surprised when Adison said you'd called her." Spotting the beer, he nodded to the kitchen. "Take a load off. There's-" He was cut off by the doorbell.

"Oh, that'll be the food." He aimed for the door. "Make yourselves comfortable. Adison, show him where the ice is if he wants any." Getting to the door, he retrieved and paid for the pizza and wings before returning to the living room. He figured they'd be more comfortable here than at the table. "Who's hungry?" he hollered into the kitchen. 

Jason searched Katie's eyes as she spoke, and he swallowed hard. "I've...lived afraid most of my life," he admitted quietly. "Ever since...since my abduction as a kid, I've always been looking over my shoulder. From Alex, to the Agency, to...my feelings."

He dropped his gaze. Sliding  back a little, he retrieved his arm from her shoulders, to be able to take her hand and lift it to his lips to kiss softly. His eyes remained downcast. "I cover it up with being cocky...but... I don't...know how not to. I don't...know how to not be scared of what I feel because it always ends up hurting."


Looking down at his phone and than at the address again Ron gave a shrug. This is what the address said so it must be the right place. It looked nice enough like something Kirk would pick out at least from what he remembered. Grabbing the case of beer from his car he made his way up to the from door. His short black hair was spiked and he had jeans and a nice button up shirt too. The toe of cowboy books poked out from the bottom of his jeans. 

Pulling into the drive way and seeing Ron Adison smiled. He looked the same as he always had. Maybe a little more buff than before, but she could still tell it was him. Parking she jumped out of her car and joged up the side walk.


Adison waved getting closer. Giving him a hug. It really had been a long time but it was good to see him again for sure.

   "I was hoping to get here before you but it looks like I was running late, and you even stopped at the store. Just had to bring something huh?"

Ron smiled as he looked at Adison. She looked too and just like he remembered. Maybe a little older, a little more muscles but she was still the same cute woman he'd known at the academy.

   "Hey, you look pretty good yourself, You know me...the life of the party can't come empty handed."

Adison laughed and walked the rest of the way up the steps before leading the way to Kirk's door. Hearing his music on she rolled her eyes before checking the door and finding it open walked right in. Coming into the living room and seeing Kirk on the couch she laughs.

   "Didn't you know its rude to let your guests wait outside for you?"

   "You know we would never let that happen weather the Agency wanted it or not."

Katie hated thinking about Jason dying. It was not a thought she liked at all and not something she even wanted to consider a possibility. He just couldn't...it wasn't his time. Sitting up and looking at Jason the movie forgotten for now Katie smiles a little.

   "Lets not let our life stand still than. It could be our time any moment, any day sniper or not. If we wanna do something...lets do it. Whats life if we have to live in fear?"


Well, now that Kirk had gotten himself into having guests, he should be happy right? He rolled his eyes at himself. As much as he could sometimes be an adrenaline junky, breaking out of his normal evening routine wasn't always easy. Had he really just put himself between those two on purpose? He'd rather not think about it. 

Awesome. Everybody here is
on a case so I'm just hanging
around learning things. Means
I should be out of here in good
time. See ya tonight!

...The day had been long and rather boring. Kirk had wanted to actually get somewhere today but the timing had obviously not been right. He'd watched and learned, but that was it, and he was glad when he finally decided to go home.

Now evening, his rock music was on, and his apartment picked up. Not that it needed too much work. He really did keep a neat place. Besides, if he didn't, Adison would never let him get away with it. 

Flopping down on the couch, he stared up at the ceiling. He wanted to work on a case. Go for a run. Drink a beer. He hated waiting. 

"I know," Jason whispered. He leaned into Katie's palm and closed his eyes. "I just wish I wasn't the cause of everything else being on hold around here. There are more important jobs to be done, other than finding my sniper."

He opened his eyes again and sighed. "I shouldn't be the priority. I know Reese just wants to protect me, but if the Agency wants me dead... I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do about it."


Thinking for a second Adison gave a small nod. Something funny was going on with Kirk, but maybe it was the stress from his day. Ron was his friend after all too so that might be nice.

That's a good idea. I'll call Ron back 
and see that works for him too.

Ending her conversation with Kirk Adison looked up the number Ron had called from and opened a text fast.

Ron, It's Adison want to go over to 
Kirk's tonight and do pizza and wings
to catch up?

It didn't take long for Adison to get a text back.

Oh, yeah that sounds good. Sorry 
if I over stepped asking you if you
two are together now.

Adison saw the text and laughed a little to herself. It wasn't unusual for people to think that about them.

LoL, we arn't just best of friends 
still. He just wants to catch up as 
well. I'll send you his address 
after I get out of work. Talk to 
you than.

Ending her conversation with Ron Adison messaged Kirk back.

Ron, good with coming to your 
place. Count on us to be there. Now
I better get back to work before I 
never get anything done.

Just cuddling in closer to Jason Katie was so comfortable. Nothing was better than him, pillows, and blankets. It was warm, comfortable, and just right. Feeing him candy here and there and sneaking her own it was like there own little slice of heaven. As Jason's arms tightened around her Katie looked up a little birnging her hand to the side of his face. Just watching him for a long moment as her thumb rubbed his face. Sometimes she wished they still had there connection. She did still miss it, even if she didn't say anything.

   "Everything is going to be ok. You know that right? No one will stop till it is. I can't lose you when I just found you again."

Katie new Jason hated when she worried, but she was. There was no hiding it. Her eyes said so much more than she did. Her and Jason had been on this line before, between life and death. It was a hard line to walk, but Katie couldn't dream letting Jason walk it alone.

Destiny giggles as she leans up and gives Chance another kiss before pushing him twords the door. She didn't want him to go but new it was really the best.

   "I'll see you tomorrow, promise."


Ron wanted to catch up, huh? Kirk and Adison rarely saw old academy pals, let alone to hang out. Although Ron had contacted Adison, not Kirk. And he'd suggested dinner? Kirk wondered if there was more than just food on Ron's mind.

His thumbs hovered over his phone for a moment before he shrugged.
Cool. I'd like to see him too.
How about pizza and wings at
my place tonight?
Could be fun.
Actually he really wanted to hash through the day with Adison, but this could provide a nice distraction too. 

Upon Katie's quick return, Jason just had to shake his head. She was good. "Ok. Any sugar highs will hereby be blamed on Reese."

It wasn't too much longer until they'd built a makeshift couch on the floor out of blankets and pillows, in the conference room to watch the movie. With his arm around Katie, it was nearly impossible to feed himself, so he would teasingly make her feed him bits and pieces of their junk food, stealing kisses now and then, too. 

As the movie played, his mind wandered though. Whether he liked it or not, his life was in danger, and it made him think of many things, including the past. All he'd been through. All he'd done, good or bad. His history with Katie. 

His arm tightened a little around her and he kissed her head. And...he wished she could feel him just once more, to know how he felt, just in case anything were to happen to him.

Chance grinned but didn't let Destiny get away that easily. Returning for another kiss, he made his last longer, his arm slipping around her amd holding her tight until he'd released her, burying his face into her neck playfully.

"Kick me out," he mumbled. "Or you'll never get rid of me."

Back in Town

   "I'll sleep in the extra room...as long as I don't fall asleep else where."

Katie just grinned at Jason. He new she could fall asleep anywhere and still feel good in the morning. It was one of her many talents. It always made stake outs, or other random places her might wind up for work easy. It helped so one person on a two person team wouldn't be cranky. 

Katie left and headed to the closest store. Grabbing something for dinner, and ice cream as well with a few toppings. Getting back to the Elite in no time. Shopping trips were always pretty easy since she new already what Jason liked and didn't like. That was the nice thing about knowing him so well. 

   "Alright, I'm back. I got food, ice cream, junk food. I think we are good. Also if we happen to have a sugar high its Reese falt for making you stay here."

He's back int town for a job and wondered
what was new. 

Adison wondered about the silent tone she caught in Kirk's text. They had all been friends but maybe Kirk really didn't care for him as much as she thought or maybe...nah that couldnt be it. Why on earth would he be jealous other than it would take away a night of them hanging out.

He wanted to catch up a little. Maybe 
tonight for dinner, or tomorrow. Might
be nice to see whats going on in his 
neck of the woods.

Going back inside Destiny followed Chance watching him gather his things to leave. The mention of lunch sounded even better than waiting till the evening to see him again.

   "Lunch sounds great. Just let me know when and where."

Walking closer to Chance Destiny leaned up a little and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He couldnt't leave without that.

   "I think your sweet enough for me, by the way."

Ice cream

Ron? Ron Sander? Kirk's mind paused for a very long moment. Yes, he remembered Ron. Nice guy. Adison had seemed to take quite a liking to him there for a while. Why was he calling her now?
Yeah. I remember him.
Been a long time.
What'd he want?
Not that it really mattered but Kirk was curious about Ron's sudden reappearance.

Jason smirked a little at Katie and just shook his head. "You knew I was gonna tell you to go home, didn't you?

He sighed and rose from his chair, wincing a little. Between his leg and shoulder, he was sure he must be moving like an old man. Coming up to Katie, he put his good arm around her just to hug her. "Causing trouble sounds like a really good idea."

He drew back and smiled, even though his eyes betrayed him - he was scared and tired and frustrated. "But come time for bed, I insist you sleep in the spare room. Garret's not there right now and one of us needs a good night sleep." He went on before she had time to argue. "And if you're going out, I also insist that you bring back ice cream."

Laura tilted her head to rest on Nate's feeling his tiredness and frustration. At the very least, it was a tough case. At most, they had a very good friend whose life was at stake. "I don't know," she answered softly. "But I know there's an answer somewhere. There always is... Maybe Garret would have a suggestion as to how to find the shooter. He's been quiet almost all day, but he did ask about you once, so I think there's a little interest there." 

Chance chuckled and shook his head before giving Destiny another hug. "I know, but yes... I should go. Tomorrow I need to show up at the office and see what's happening there. But... I could definitely do this again tomorrow."

Going back inside with her, he prepared to leave, even though he really didn't want to. "I don't k ke if I can wait til tomorrow night," he teased. "How about meeting me for lunch?"

Catch Up

Idk...but I don't mind it. Free coffee 
is the best. Give it time, things will
work out. Promise.

Adison put her phone down again and looked around the office for a moment. Leaning back in her chair. It was going to be a long day already she could tell with boring paperwork. As her phone started buzzing she smiled thinking it was more than likely Kirk. Seeing the number was no one she new she answered.

   "Hello...Oh my goodness Ron, its been ages....there is way to much new to go over with you on the phone...definitely...we will catch up....great....I'll talk to you later...bye."

Holding her phone for a long moment Adison just sat there in shock. She hadnt heard from Ron since they all graduated the academy. He'd been one of the few people she'd had a crush on but nothing even came of it. 

You'll never guess who just called me. 
Ron Sander..remember him from the
academy? That's the last person I 
expected to call me.

Hearing no one had any leads Katie let out a long sigh. It was frustrating to say the last and she could only guess how Jason was feeling about this. As Reese leaves Katie let out a small sigh before heading for the door not saying anything. Some might think maybe she was leaving because she as upset.

It didn't take long before Katie returned with some supplys. A blanket she layed on the floor, some pillows and some snacks. Hal might be on watch tonight but she wasn't going to leave Jason to fend for himself alone.

   "So...we have a few things here, and I can run to the store for dinner. I also think I still have a movie in my desk I have been meaning to take home but haven't. I saw we take the movie to the conference room and watch it on the big projector screen. If we are going to be stuck here, we might as well have a little fun and cause trouble."

Katie smiled looking at Jason. Even if he had told her to go home she wasn't about to do that. Even if her and Jason had stayed just friends it would be hard to leave him here. How boring would that be. Like she said, they might as well make it fun.

Getting home Nate wondered into the house to find Laura on the couch. Coming around and sitting down next to her he laid his head on her shoulder and let out a long sign. Today had been a busy and he hated the way that made him feel. 

   "We got nothing today. Not even a drop of lint. What are you going to do Laura? Jason can't hide forever."

Just continuing to lean into Chance Destiny soaked up his love in the cool night air. She felt there was something more to the phone call Chance had but maybe it was he Elite that called, and she new he couldn't always tell her everything that went on there. It was hard at times, but she understood and accepted it. 

   "Do you have to go? That couch was so warm just laying there with you."

Looking up at Chance Destiny gave a smile. She new it was probable a good idea if he did leave, but that didn't mean she liked it or wanted him too. If she had it her way, and it was appropriate she'd ask Chance to move in. Everything just seemed better when he was here. 


Kirk chuckled out loud and glanced around to make sure nothing important was happening before he replied to Adison again.
Anywhere? You're pretty brave.
And I always owe you coffee.
How does that happen?
He looked up again as he saw Nate gathering people, and couldn't help the itch to join in. But there was no way he'd be allowed to help.
Looks like I can't spring
the good news on Reese yet. Can't say I'm disappointed.

Jason gave Katie a grateful smile, and he sighed. "I just..." After their heartfelt conversation the day before, he didn't want to withhold his feelings, but at the same time, he simply wanted to move past this. He didn't want to dwell on how he felt about it. "I'm...not ready to figure out how I feel about all this." He turned his hand over so his palm was against her. "But I'm glad you're here with me."

Nate's orders were followed without question. The team all dropped what they were doing to help, and set out to find any leads on the sniper. Unfortunately it was not a simple task. Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes turned to hours. And by almost nine o'clock that evening, they were all still empty handed, and too frustrated to do any more good tonight...

Pete shook his head as he walked back into the  building with Nate. "I can't believe there was nothing out there," he muttered. No witnesses, no nothing. Not even footprints. Zero. "I know it's high quality Agency but this is ridiculous."

Jason watched as Nate and Pete walked by his office, headed for the meeting room, and he knew. He knew they'd found nothing, just by the way they walked. Everyone was back now, and he could tell without asking that they didn't have a single lead.

Stuck in his office the entire day, this was just icing on the cake and he leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh. He'd spent the whole day doing nothing just for this? He should have been out there with them helping. Obviously they hadn't crossed paths with the sniper.

"Jason?" Reese knocked on the open door, and also have Katie a nod. Good thing she was there, or he knew Jason would never have stayed put.

Jason opened his eyes again. "Yeah?"

"Official word from Nate - no leads. Which meand you're spending the night here."

Jason's first reaction was to argue. Reese had to be kidding. He couldn't just hide out - that would be letting the Agency win! And how long was he supposed to hide? What if they never did find a lead?

His shoulders sank, and he withheld any retorts. "Okay."

Reese couldn't help his surprise. Okay? Jason wasn't arguing? Was he in that much pain? "Alright, well we're wrapping things up so make yourself comfortable. Need anything?"

Jason shook his head.

"Okay well.... goodnight." Reese tried offering Katie a smile. "Hal's on duty tonight so you can go home. I'll see you both tomorrow."

After he'd left, Jason looked dimly at Katie. He was disappointed there were no leads, and upset he had to stay here. "See you in the morning?"

Laura sat on the couch, sipping a hot cup of tea. She never went to bed before Nate got home, no matter how late it was. That's just how she preferred it, to make sure she could see he was okay when he walked through the door. Brian had been put down long before, and she'd just sent Maggie upstairs to get ready for bed, too. It had been a quiet day, which was nice, but now the evening had gotten long.

"Nate not back yet?"

Laura jumped, having almost forgotten Garret was even there - she hadn't seen him come out of his room once all day, and she'd only spoken to him one time for supper when he'd at least accepted a small plate of food. She glanced over her shoulder at him before shaking her head. "No, but he should be soon." At least that's what the last text message implied. 

"They find anything?"

"He hasn't said specifically but I dont think so."

Garret simply nodded and headed back to his room where he resumed sitting on the bed. No surprise - they weren't going to find Jason's sniper like that, and Garret knew it. 

Chance turned quickly, and just as quickly hid his surprise. He'd hoped he wouldn't wake Destiny. Slipping his arm around her, he gave her a loving squeeze. "Everything is fine," he assured, kissing the top of her head. "Just had a call. Some people forget about time zones, ya know?"

He grinned as he looked at her face. "Maybe it's good they woke me up though. I...should probably go."

October 28, 2016


Just watching and listing to Jason Katie could see the pain on his face and not just the psychical, but the emotional pain as well. She couldn't imagen how he was feeling and how this was taking a toll on him. His words and attitude alone though spoke a thousand words.

Walking over to him Katie rests an arm on his hand that was on the desk and smiled down on him. All in all she was happy they were back together. Jason needed support and someone to be there with him.

   "I wont offer any extra information to the ranch about what is going on, unless I am flat out asked. But I will keep worrying and so will Rick and deep down...I know you are worried too. That's not a bad thing you know. We are here for you though."

Leaning down Katie gave Jason another kiss on the lips before retreating. Her look to him was soft and caring. A lot of people cared about Jason and a lot of people worried about him because it but Katie was confidant that if she asked anyone they would all say they wouldn't want it any other way.

Nate followed Reese and listened to every word he said taking everything in. He didn't know where to start but he'd figure it out. Reese had enough to do with Kirk hanging around again and he didn't need him worried.

   "Alright you got it boss."

It didn't take long to get everyone who was going to help into the meeting room. Laying out a few maps, going over plans and paring people up was the easy part. The hard part was finding anything useful.

   "Pete your with me. We are going to check the area Katie said she saw the shooter. If anyone finds anything out, even if its the smallest thing call me right away. Well meet back here in a few hours. Good Luck, and stay sharp. Who knows if we get close if the shoot will target one of us."

Adison shook her head even though Kirk couldn't see it and laughed a little bit to herself. She'd told him before sometimes being a hard head was not the way to go. Now maybe he would listen but doubtful.

Yeah...its gonna sting for a while. 
Lucky me I get to work with you
and they are gonna hate me too. What
did I let you drag me into.

Adison sent the text before starting another.

Who am I kidding...I willingly 
would be dragged into anything
with you. You just own me coffee.

Hearing voices Destiny's eye fluttered a little before opening in the dim lit room. Just staying where she was she listened and heard it again. It must of just been Chance but who was he talking to at this hour? Squinting to look at the clock better Destiny couldn't believe the time. They must have fallen asleep. It was just so warm and comfortable.

Getting up and yawning she wraps herself in the banket before going to the front screen door and looking out just to make sure it was in face Chance. Seeing it was she smiled sleeply.

   "Chance...? I thought I heard voices."

Stepping out she wrapped herself a little tighter as the cool air blew. It was a bright night out today with the dot of starts in the sky. Coming closer to him and resting her head on his arm she took a deep breath of the fresh air before letting it out slowly.

   "Is everything ok?"


"Eh. I'll have plenty time to rest when I'm dead." Jason aimed for his office, still limping from his leg wound, and now dealing with more pain in his shoulder than he'd like to admit. "Rick worries too much. So does everyone else." 

Getting to his office, he slouched down in his desk chair and sighed. "Oh, and in case you talk to anyone at the ranch... my mom doesn't know anything about my little sniper shadow, and I'd like to keep it that way. She worries too much the way it is." 

In spite of his confident, almost-cocky air, his eyes remained down at his desk. What was happening...this whole thing...it was getting to him, and he didn't like it. 

"Hey." Reese greeted Nate, and motioned for him to follow him as he kept walking. "Meeting room. Come with me."

Once there, he looked at Nate with seriousness. "We need to end this shooter business, and fast. I know we got a lot going on, but I want all available eyes on this. If it takes getting back to basics and going door-to-door to find out if anybody has seen anything strange or was a witness, so be it. I want you, Wyatt, Gunner, and Pete. Pair up if you need to - grab Sapphire and Jamie too. Dalton if you have to - I wouldn't recommend Scott or Misty at this point, and I want Katie here to sit on Jason and make sure he doesn't move." 

He took a deep breath and nodded. "I gotta go appease Kirk in any way possible to keep him out of the way. Take any vehicles you need, and make sure everyone is armed. I want at least one lead by tonight, even if it's a small one. While you're out, I gotta convince Jason to stay here until this is over."

Kirk smiled a little. Adison always knew what to say. 
Youre right. Thanks. You know me.
Impatient. I know I had to be rough
but nobody trusts me now.
Dont know how to tell Reese
he's gonna hafta work with me now.

It was late. The movie had been long over - none of it had even been seen at all. Chance was still wrapped up with Destiny on the couch after both of them had fallen asleep. To be here, like this, it was a little slice of heaven and couldn't feel more right. This...this was living. 

A soft buzzing alerted him and he listened until he heard it again. It was his phone vibrating from his jacket pocket on a nearby chair. Then he realized the time. Ever so carefully, he untangled himself from Destiny, letting her settle in on the couch, and spread the blanket over her. Making sure she was still asleep, he padded over to his jacket and grabbed his phone before quietly slipping through the house and out onto the back porch. 

He'd missed the call, and had to dial back, then waited for an answer. "Yeah?" He kept his voice down as he paced the porch. "I told you to give me a few days, didn't I? Look, I just got back. Give a guy a break, would you?" He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I was actually asleep, thank you." He listened a sighed. "Sure. Yeah I can see what's up. I go in tomorrow and I'll let you know.... Okay.... bye." 

Ending the call, he slipped the phone into his back pocket and stifled a yawn. He definitely wanted to go right back where he was, but then he'd end up spending the night and maybe that wasn't such a good idea.